Chapter 7 - My Place In The Circle Of Life

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After arriving at the Tree Of Life, Maalum has to find a place to live there. Kion and the Lion Guard will help Maalum in his search for a home on the Tree Of Life.

Finally you can discover the place and role of Maalum in the circle of life.

The next morning, Rani returns to the Tree to rest from the night of work, switching places with Kion, who must start his morning patrol. Maalum accompanies Kion and meets the Lion Guard. They all look friendly and fun.

The Lion Guard guides Maalum on a tour, introducing him to the lands of the Tree Of Life. At the same time, the group tries to help the teen hybrid find a place to live.

They arrive at the Marsh Forest and Maalum knows some nice animals, including Binga, who, once again, challenges Bunga, this time for a burping contest.

"Bunga. Let's go. We don't have time for that." Calls Kion.

"Fine. Soon we'll finish the contest, Binga."

"I can't wait to win... again."

The Marsh Forest is even welcoming and the animals that live there seem friendly, but there doesn't seem to be any place where Maalum can stay. So, they decide to continue the search.

They go to the Bamboo Woods, where Maalum meets Heng Heng and Kely and her lemurs. They seem to be friendly and Maalum is very fond of meeting them. However, this forest also doesn't have a good place to be the hybrid's home. So, they continue searching.

When visiting the Rocky Mountains, Maalum meets the mountain goats, Cek and Rama, also friendly animals. But the mountains are dangerous for an hybrid like Maalum. So, again, it's a place that doesn't fit him.

They walk again.

"So, Maalum? Do you like these lands?" Asks Kion.

"Yeah." Maalum responds in a sad tone.

"What do you have, little friend?" Beshte asks in his natural kindness.

"I really love this place and the animals are all very friendly, but..."

"But...?" Fuli insists.

"I think I better go look for another land. The Tree Of Life is no place for me." Maalum lowers his head sadly.

"Maalum." Kion nuzzles Maalum to comfort him. "Don't be discouraged. I'm sure there is a perfect place here for you."

"Sure!" Fuli also tries to cheer him up. "And we are all here to help you, Maalum."

Maalum smiles at the group, feeling more confident. "Asante. Thank you, friends. You're amazing."

The group continues walking, until reaching the Desert Plains. It's a quiet and very spacious place, but Maalum finds it a little lonely. So, they continue searching.

The Guard and Maalum arrive at the Winter Woods, where they find Varya and her cubs. The Guard talks to Varya, trying to see if she can share her home with Maalum.

"I'm really sorry, your majesty." Varya responds to Kion. "But you know that it's impossible to share our home with another animal." Maalum is discouraged hearing this.

"But why?!" Bunga asks.

"You know how difficult it was to find a home for me and my cubs when we arrived at the Tree Of Life."

"Yeah. It was." Kion remembers what Rani told him about Varya. The king looks at the hybrid, which remains discouraged. "Lion Guard. Let's keep going."

Further on, they reach Tundra, where they meet Tangaagim. The polar bear is so friendly that he immediately offers to share his home with Maalum. However, Tundra is too cold for Maalum. He would never be able to live there. Again, it's not the right home for a jackal-lion hybrid.

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