Chapter 3 - From Jackal To Lion

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This chapter happens during the second season of The Lion Guard (after Divide And Conquer) until somewhere at the beginning of the third season, when they grow. Also during The Lion King 2, when Zira is training Kovu.

Vitani guides Maalum through the Outlands, until they reach the Termite Mounds. Maalum observes the dark and lonely land. "But what is this place?" He asks.

"Maalum. Welcome to our home."

"What?!" Maalum is shocked. "You live here?!"

"Yeah, I know. Lions usually live in the Pride Lands, but we are different. We're not welcome there."

"What did you do?!" Maalum's suspicious.

"Nothing. We just wanted to follow the rules of the kingdom, but... It's complicated." She sees her older brother in the distance. "Come on, Maalum. I want to introduce you to my older brother... and the dumbest one."

Nuka is rolling on the floor scratching his back... again. "Damn termites!"

"Hey, Nuka. Haven't you seen mom?"

"Mom left. She must have gone getting food for her favorite son." He realizes that his sister is accompanied by a strange animal. Nuka begins walking around Maalum, analyzing his body. "And what do we have here?"

"He-Hello. My name is Maalum." The hybrid responds, a little nervous. "I'm half jackal, half lion."

Nuka rubs Maalum's back with his claws. "And what does a creature like you do here alone?"

Vitani pushes her brother with her head, away from the little hybrid. "He's with me, Nuka. And you better start treating him with respect, because he will become a member of our pride."

"Who said that?!"

"Mom will like to have someone like him in our pride."

"Oh yeah? Good luck convincing her." He lies back on the floor, rolling. "Damn! I'm so sick of these termites!"

"Come with me, Maalum."

The hybrid follows the lioness, entering a cave, where Kovu is sitting on his "throne" waiting for his mother to return.

"Hello, Kovu!"

"What do you want, Vitani?" Kovu asks, seriously.

"I want introducing you to someone. Kovu. This is Maalum. Maalum. This is my other brother, Kovu, future king of the Pride Lands."

"What?!" Maalum is amazed. "Future king?!"

"Our mother is training him. Kovu will be a very strong lion and will help us recover our home."

"I don't know if it will be like that." Kovu speaks discouraged.

"Kovu! You have to listen to mom. She just wants the best for us."

"Vitani's absolutely right." Zira enters the cave, surprising the three cubs.

"Mom!" Vitani's excited, Kovu remains serious and Maalum is nervous and a little scared.

"Kovu. It's time to get back to your training." Zira speaks in her usual serious tone.

"Okay, mom." Kovu doesn't seem very happy to be back in training.

"Wait, mom." Vitani interrupts. "Before training Kovu, I want to introduce you to someone special. Maalum. Come and meet my mother."

Maalum approaches Zira. He walks slowly and huddled, afraid of the lioness' serious and menacing gaze. "H-Hello."

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