chapter 3: time

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As the crew prepared for dinner Vid finally emerged from the RV following after Dale.

The fish Amy and Andrea caught earlier that day was exactly what the group needed to lift spirits. They sat gathered around the fire now with a new and improved wall made by Morales. Vid sat off to the side, back to the RV.

Vid thought about what she had done, looking down at her hands. They were wrapped in bandages Dale applied earlier, she almost cried while Dale wiped the dried blood off her face. Whispering to her that she did a good thing and he was proud of her. Shane tried to enter the RV but was pushed out and somewhat screamed at by Dale to "get the hell out and leave her alone."

She didn't want to intrude on the peace the group was feeling so she just watched. Dale brought her food and offered to sit with her, she shook her head. She hadn't said a word since the incident, it was like she couldn't force her mouth to move or her vocal cords to react.

I don't regret what I did but, God I feel like such a terrible person.

While she stared down at the now empty plate she could feel someone approaching her. She looked up expecting Dale, you could imagine her surprise when she saw Sophia Peletier standing above her.

"Are you okay?" The young girl asked, staring down at the wide eyed and confused woman in front of her. Vid nodded slowly, apprehensive of the situation. "Come sit with us!" Vid looked past Sophia and to Carol, who smiled slightly at her before nodding.

With that Vid looked back up at Sophia and nodded again.

As soon as she sat down Amy, who was on Vid's right, she smiled at her, making her slightly return it.

Maybe I did the right thing

Morales asked a question that had been on everyone's mind for a while as Dale passed her another helping of fish.

"I gotta ask you man. It's been driving me crazy."

"What?" Dale chuckled before looking at the man.

"That watch."

"What's wrong with my watch?" Dale smiled at him knowing exactly where he was going with this.

"I see you every day, the same time, winding that thing like a village priest saying mass." Others began nodding, asking themselves the same question.

"I've wondered this myself." Jacqui looked up from her plate as she spoke.

Vid looked up at Dale who was on her other side with a slight smirk, she knew exactly why he did it. He had told her back in the beginning when she refused to speak at all. Dale would sit and tell her and Glenn stories, Glenn always asking as many questions as he could.

"I'm missing the point." He knew the point, he knew it clear as day. That was one of the things Vid loved about Dale, he would make you ask the questions to make you say what you really wanted to ask.

"Unless I've misread the signs, the world seems to have come to an end. At least hit a speed bump for a good long while."

Jacqui was one of the best people Vid had met as well. She had taught her a lot, how to crochet, how to properly cook. A lot of the things her mother should've done for her Jacqui did.

"But there's you every day winding that stupid watch." Vid scowled at Morales's words. She loved that story, it really meant a lot to her, not just the story itself, the fact Dale told it to her.

"Time-" Here he goes. "it's important to keep track, isn't it? The days at least. Don't you think, Andrea? Back me up here."

Amy's birthday's tomorrow. She's been keeping track of the days for weeks now.

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