chapter 6: a family found

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Jim didn't make it. Vid knew he wouldn't. It was hard but she eventually fell back asleep, feeling a bit safer knowing the future walker was gone.

"Vid, Vitia?" A hand was on her shoulder slightly shaking her. Her eyes opened slowly, it was Glenn, he was rubbing his eyes as if he had just woken up too. "We're here." She hummed in response pulling herself to her feet, pins and needles shooting through them.

Glenn followed her as she hopped out of the RV. Atlanta was always so pretty in the evening, however the dead bodies lining the streets took away some classic charm.

What the hell happened? Oh yeah, hell on earth.

She made her way up to the front, swinging her backpack onto her shoulders, scanning their surroundings with Shane, Rick, and Daryl.

I knew this place was gone to shit. It's getting dark soon, we need to get in or get the hell outta dodge.

"There's nobody here." T broke the silence. The building was gigantic with a slightly menacing look to it.

"Then why are the shutters down?" Rick looked and sounded frantic.

"Walkers!" Daryl called from behind them. He shot a bolt directly in between one's eyes. "You led us into a graveyard!" He shouted, too loud for comfort. Shane stepped between him and Rick before Daryl could approach any further. Walkers were everywhere around them, circling them like dogs herding cattle.

Please, please, please, we can't die here. The men argued and argued. It's too loud, I can't think, I can't breathe. She grabbed Glenn's shoulder, it was the only thing she could do.

Next thing she knew Glenn was holding her hand pulling her back to the caravan. From the corner of Vid's eye she spotted a small blonde fall, Sophia. She yanked her hand away from Glenn before scooping the young girl up from the cold, blood-covered ground.

"Just close your eyes baby." A blinding light appeared behind them.

They stood in front of the open door, unmoving.

Holy mother of shit.

This time the silence comforted Vid, no more screams. She let Sophia go, letting her run to Carol. They walked in guns drawn. Shane told Daryl and Vid to cover the back. Her breathing was almost normal again.

This place is huge. High ceilings, huge windows, damn, almost reminds me of the mall back home.

"Hello?" Rick called, leading them in. The shadow appeared from the darkness.

"Anybody infected?" It called from the shadows.

"One of our group was. He didn't make it." Rick was breathing heavily. The figure moved closer.

"Why are you here? What do you want?"

What does it look like we want dumbass? A Ferrari?

"A chance." Rick lowered his weapon slowly.

"That's asking for an awful lot these days." Vid can see him more clearly now, late 30s to mid-40s. He held a rifle in his arms as he scanned the group, looking at all of them. "You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission." Done fucking deal.

"We can do that." Rick looked back at the group, his eyes landed on the girl with the pistol. She nodded. The man suddenly lowered his gun.

"You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes, it stays closed." He walked down the stairs towards them, and she finally put her gun back into its holster.

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