Chapter 14~•Farewell And Fi-Amanillah

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             Chapter ~• 14

  Farewell And Fi-Amanillah

To completely trust in God is to be like a child who knows deeply that even if he does not call for the mother , the mother is totally aware of his condition and is looking after him.

~*Imam Ghazali *~


The days passed, as they do, and life went on. Putting aside all her worries,Hera was committed to her exams. There was no talk about the 'subject' between Sahra and her. Sahra was pretending like everything was alright. She was oblivious to the fact that Hera had listened to her conversation with Ustadh Abdullah. Where as Hera was only putting it on hold because of her exams as she was determined to talk her into it once she was finished with her finals.

There was no way moving to the city without unveiling the mystery. Yesterday Sahra gave her an anklet it was a gift by Ayesha to her,made of solid silver on it were black borders featuring Peepul leaves, and some intricate designs.

They were both exchanging letters since Ustadh Abdullah got the first letter from Ayesha. Inspite of being in the hectic schedule Hera didn't fail to notice the positive change in Sahra's life and it was obviously because she now had someone to talk to. She had got her old friend back. She'd eagerly wait for her letter and would immediately look for writing replies to her.

Though Hera liked this change in her but she knew this was only temporary. Things were going to change soon, for bad or for good may be...only may be. She knew as the time for moving into the city would come near everything was going to change and she was dreading that change.

Perhaps few things are simply too painful to even bring them into our thoughts.

Closing her notebook she stood up,picking up the prayer rug with her. Since her exams started she had got a different morning routine.She would wake up a little before faj'r time and after offering the tahajjud salah she'd remain sitting on the prayer rug revising her notes until fajr time.


She looked out the window at the roadside where some kids were splashing and jumping in the mud puddles. She walked into her bedroom and lay down, exhausted, the day reeling tipsily through her mind. It had started off well. Her exam had gone very well too,even though she had thought it was going to be hard since her preparation was not very satisfactory.

Hera closed her eyes and tried to erase his words,which were playing in her mind again and again. She was on her way back to home when he had suddenly approached her.

"I am still waiting for your answer".

" My answer is same as the last time". She said it plainly.

"I am telling you again Hera,I am ready to let you study as much as you want.All I am asking for, is some sort of commitment". He thought he opened a way for a friendly conversation where as she just continued to walk.

Watching her walk away,he called her name, there was something in his voice that made Hera stop abruptly.

" If you ever change your mind then know that you're always welcome into my life. I know you'll come to me sooner or later but one day for sure".


She opened her eyes and closed them again trying to marshal her thoughts, which were causing a fierce headache.

Tired of thinking aimlessly she got up and walked into the kitchen to find a goody powder for her nauseous stomach.


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