Chapter 1: Rescue

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Osaka is very famous city. Famous for it's beautiful scenery, amazing technology, music, inspired Japanese culture, and Sports. The city is, also, full of skyscrapers with brightly lit up advertisement screens covering the sides. Unfortunately, dangerous crimes happen here that people just don't wanna share.

Kane, watching the over the city on top of a skyscraper, is busy smoking a cigar. He looks up to see the lights of an airliner flying above him, He'd look back down afterwards.

He grabs his phone and scrolls through social media for a bit noticing that Osaka has befriended another suspicious clan at the name of Yakuzan. For some reason that reminds him of something but immediately forgets about it.

Kane looks around for something interesting to happen since he was bored. He happened to discover that a samurai girl defending herself from 2 gangsters wearing kitsune masks in a dark alleyway. 

Kane would then drop his, still burning, cigar on an unlucky inkling's head. Following this, he ran down the walls of the skyscraper towards the girl.

The girl hits the 2nd gangster causing him to fly and crash onto the wall, while the 1st tackles her to the ground using his shoulder, knocking her octo-brush out of her hand. The 1st grabs his Tanto and prepares to stab her.

1st gangster: Prepare to die, girl.

While the girl braces herself, she felt nothing. Only have clash can be heard, the girl opens her eyes to see Kane blocking the Tanto blade with his Katana.

???: "Whaaa? He looks familiar?"

Kane moves the 1st gangster's Tanto out of the way then sheathe his sword then pull it out quickly, creating a large cut across the 1st gangster's chest. 1st gangster collapses on the the ground.

The 2nd gangster gets up from the ground and sees Kane towering over his now dead partner.

2nd gangster: YOU LITTLE BASTARD!

The 2nd gangster begins to runs towards Kane, while Kane just stands still staring at him. The gangster slashes at Kane, but he poofs into a tree trunk. Now his katana is stuck inside the trunk.

The gangster looks around only to find Kane behind him facing the opposite direction with his blade pointing towards the gangster's back.

2nd gangster: Nani!

Kane thrusts the Katana into his back and through his stomach. He'd pull it out soon after. The 2nd gangster has fallen. Kane flicks his katana blade, forcing the blood (ink) to fall off.

The girl gets up after picking up her Octo-brush.

???: Thank you so much, mister! Without you, I would have been dead for sure.

Kane: Don't mention it.

???: look familiar. Wait. Your Kane!

Kane: How do you know me? I haven't even met you, until now.

???: My parents have told stories about you, Kane! About how powerful you are and-

???: MY SISTER!!!

Kane: Your sister?

???: Yes, we got split off thanks to those mean gangsters. But I know which direction they went.

Kane: Okay, I'll help you for now. Until this is over with, I'm leaving okay?

???: Okay.

The two run through the connection of alleyways, with her sister no where to be seen.

???: Come on, she's somewhere alright.

Kane: Little girl, she might be dead.

???: She's not dead, I just know it. Also, I'm not a little girl!

They entered into another alleyway, where they eventually find a girl with a sniper surrounded by another 2 kitsune gangsters.

???: There she is!

They run towards the other girl surrounded by gangsters.

The 2 gangsters charge at her at the same time. The sniper girl goes low and hits the guy behind her with the back of her sniper, at the same time, hitting the guy in the front with the front part. She turns around doing a upper-cut like move on the guy behind her with her weapon. She'd then spin around towards the front guy and slams her weapon onto the front gangster, causing him to collapse onto the ground.

The front gangster then pulls on the girl's foot and drags it towards him, resulting her to fall on her back. Quickly, the gangster climbs on top of her and grabs her clothes in preparation to rape her.

Before he could take the clothes off, he was knocked out by a sudden hit to the back to the neck. The girl pushes the gangster off of her, then immediately runs towards the 1st girl.

Suddenly, the gangster that was once behind the 2nd girl gotten back up. 

4th gangster: Grr, that was our leader. You'll pay for that.

Kane: ... -_- ...

The 4th gangster charges towards Kane, screaming. Kane, again, stands there. The gangster slashes at Kane, only to be dodged over and over again.

The gangster goes in for a thrust, thinking that Kane is tired through all that dodging. But he was wrong. Kane dodges to the side, grabs his wrist, pulls him down, knees him twice in the stomach, and throws him to the ground while also taking his Tanto away from him.

Kane kneels down to only stab the gangster in the back of the head and kept it there. Kane gets back up from kneeling.

???: Thank you, Kane, for saving my sister.

Kane: Again, don't mention it.

???: I forgot to tell you our names. My name is Aimi and my sister's name is-

Aimi's sister smiles at the sight of Kane and interrupts Aimi.

???: My name is Momiji. Thanks for saving us.

Aimi was surprised that she spoke to someone not related to her. Both Momiji and Aimi bows to Kane. The gangster leader begins to wake up.

Gangster leader: Ughh, my neck. Huh?

Kane grabs the leader by the shirt and pulls him up.

Kane: listen here, fool. Mess with anyone again and I'll kill you for real like the rest of your friends, you hear me.

Kane says this while looking at him menacingly.

Gangster leader: O-Okay, I'm sorry! I won't d-do this again!

Kane drops him and walks away without knowing the girls are following him. 

The gangster leader gets up and runs in the opposite direction. Kane proceeds to grab one of his kunais and throw it towards the leader's knee. It lodges itself inside the leader's knee. Due to this, the leader falls to the ground. But after Kane and the girls left, the leader pulls out a phone and calls someone.

Gangster leader: Hello.

???: What is it.

Gangster leader: It's true, Hisoka has a son.

???: What do you mean?

Gangster leader: Remember when Hisoka told you he has a son and he'll hunt you down and you didn't believe it.

???: Yes.

Gangster leader: Well, he was right, he does have a son and he's hiding here in Osaka. He killed my entire gang.

???: So it's true, huh? Well then, I'm going to send my best assassins to kill him. While you return back.

Gangster leader: Alright.

Whoever was on the phone soon hung-up.

Gangster leader: Hehehe, be prepared, Kane. Soon you'll die just like your father.

The gangster limps away with the Kunai still lodged in his knee. 

A Ronin's harem (Splatoon 2?)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora