Chapter 10: Village rescue

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 As the trio stormed towards the blazing village, Kane hastens towards a Yakuzan soldier and kills him in one slash across his chest. Later, he defeats another one by impaling him with his katana. 

 Akari catches the eye of a Yakuzan soldier attempting to butcher a mother and her 3 youngsters. In acknowledgment, she heaves her Kusari-gamas at him and entangles him by wrapping him in the Kusari-gamas chains. She drags him towards her, stabs the soldier in the gut, and launches him over behind her. A Yakuzan soldier ambushes her with a katana, Akari teleports at his back and gashes him 3 times before backflipping away and casting 5 grenades towards him. The little bombs collided with the male's body and exploded, killing him instantly.

Akari: You suck, loser! Haha!

 Akari runs down a village street to eliminate more Yakuzan grunts. 

 Kane dashes towards a Yakuzan soldier. However, this Yakuzan soldier had armor fitted onto him. Kane attacks him with his basic strike move but the Katana bounced off. Kane teleports behind him and strikes again, unfortunately, the katana bounced off again.

Yakuzan soldier:  Ha! I have armor, you twit! Your inadequate katana can't penetrate my armor!

 The armored soldier clobbers Kane with a war-hammer, which resulted in Kane being sent soaring and bursting through the walls of a traditional home with a concealed inkling family dwelling inside. Kane rises from the debris and grabs his sword. Then, he sees the terrified family gawking at him for a moment before realizing it's their daimyo, Kane.

Mother: I can't believe it... My lord!

Kane: ... what ...

Father: Aren't you the daimyo of Clan Sato?

Kane: ... I don't know

Mother: Well... You are

Kane: Oh.. meh, whatever.

 The armored soldier then barges into the house and attacks Kane. The family becomes startled and gets to a safe distance from the fight. Kane jumps back, effectively evading the attack. then he strikes back but the armor resisted the hit. Kane attempts at throwing Shurikens and Kunais at him. The shurikens and kunais almost penetrated his armor but still didn't bother him. 

Kane: shit

The armored soldier: Ah, you're pretty much fucked by this point. Might as well give up, hahaha!

 As the soldier laughs and insults him, Kane observes the enemy's armor for weak points and spots one. He slowly aims his sword towards the weak point and strikes. The katana perfectly goes into the weak point and kills him.

Kane: Tch...

Mother: thank you so much, Lord Kane.

Kane: Don't mention it...

 Kane leaves the house and runs out to fight more soldiers. He continues running and slashing until he climbs over a ruined house. There, he sees a large group of Yakuzan soldiers over a house. He activates his katana ability, which causes a blue flame to engulf his blade. He jumps from the ruined building and aims his sword downwards towards the ground. He slams downwards and lands with his katana into the ground, creating a large explosion that obliterated the entire group. He stands back up and walks off.


{Minai's location}

 Minai was running through the streets of the burning village with her Tessen and sword. Later on, she encounters 5 Yakuzan soldiers in the middle of the street who're burning houses and other flammable buildings. She does a little smirk and teleports in front of one, then she stabs him with her ninjato to the gut and slashes his neck with her Tessen's blades. The soldiers immediately noticed her and start attacking her as well.

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