Chapter 5:dysphoria

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((tw:injury  description))

They want my trust so bad.Are they going to betray me?

Why else do people want my trust?
Although these people seem like the good guys.

Mack and Daisy are the ones who visit me most.Daisy showed me her powers,it's even more amazing in real life.AND she thinks my powers are really cool.
Daisy convinced me that they're not a curse but a gift.I can help protect people if I learn to control it.

After a psych evaluation,whatever that is,she'll help me control it.

The questionnaire was gruelling.I had to account for all my injuries and how and where I got them fixed.

Originally I wasn't going to submit the truth,it would mean that I was allowing them to know all my weak spots.But what's the point in protecting myself anymore?

The X on my back and xs on my arms,were courtesy of the cult.That was one of the most terrifying ones.
The bullet wounds,I can't even remember.
The burns was from the electrocution, only a few of them did that - I was very grateful that most didn't.
My two slightly pulled out nails,my left pinky and ring finger was from my third last kidnapping.
The middle ones really blurred together but they were the majority of the stabbing.

Grazed knees and scraped forearms are just from everything.
The dislocated shoulder was from hanging from the ceiling and trying to get free.

Ugh.It looks like I'm writing someone else's story.
This sort of thing doesn't happen to me.
I treasured the very few scars I had because I grew up in such a protected environment.

I'm still proud of my scars.All of them show me that I survived , and I can live and maybe make a good difference.


"Well that kid's been through a lot.We need to take her back to her home country.Then she'll enrol in the foster system."Fitz said.

"No."Daisy said.

"Daisy,it's protocol,we can't just keep her.And she needs an education."May said.

"You already said she's really smart.She can just learn here."Daisy said.

"Technically we have kidnapped her and Britain isn't so bad."Simmons said.

"It would be dangerous for her to go out into the real world.She got kidnapped,god knows how many times."Daisy argued.

"What's this really about Daisy?"Coulson asked.

"I ... I can't let her go through what I did."Daisy said.

"I understand but she'll be safer down there."Mack said.

"You really believe that?People jump at the chance of money.How'd you think they got her location all these times-"Daisy retorted.

"Well what do you propose we do?"Yoyo said.

"I want to...I want to adopt her."Daisy finalised.

"Hold on a second-" the entire room erupted into chatters.

"WOAH!Everyone stop a hot second!"Daisy shouted to break it up,"It's my decision."

"But the logistics of this..."Fitz said.

"Are you suggesting she becomes an agent?"Coulson asks.


"Well,only if she wants to."
"But she can't go to the schools,their secret locations could be compromised because of her!"Simmons said.

"Not to show off but aren't we supposed to be some of the best of S.H.I.E.L.D?"Yoyo asks.

"Fine,education taken care off.But a shot at a normal life?"May counters.

"Normal was thrown out of the window last week."Daisy said.

They bounce arguments back and forth.

"How about we just ask her?"Mack says.

"And if she accepts?"May asks.

"Like Yoyo said.We're supposed to be 'some of the best of S.H.I.E.L.D' so let's figure something out!"Mack said ,using air quotations.

"Alright.We'll ask her when she's comfortable with us.All of us.Because if she's living with Daisy,who's living here then she's living with us too."Mack said with finality,glancing back at the director."Coulson?"

"Not my decision to make."

Everyone disperses leaving May and Coulson.

"You ready to be grandpa?"May asks.

"I'm too young to be grandpa."Coulson was 56. A child of Daisy's would count as their grandchild.

"Well I'm way too young to be grandma.You talked to her?"May was 48.

"The 084?Sorry Kiara."

"You're saying it wrong.It's Kee-ar-aa.And no,I haven't .But I like her."

"Right.Kiara sorry...And why do you like her?"

"She beat up her ex-boyfriend.Broke a few of his ribs too."May said approvingly.

"She'll fit right in."Coulson said,a grin creeping onto his face.

((timeline note:this is supposed to happen after season 5 but no one is dead because I don't like it. :)  ))

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