Chapter 7: Leafa's shocking Discovery

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Leafa and Mizuki exchanged looks at each other, seems to be shocked of Erika's discovery. 

They flew after her, as Erika continues to fly towards the top of the tree. Leafa thought in her mind, "What's the matter, Erika?

Is the person on the top of the World Tree, is someone really important to you?"

Mizuki notices the Magic Barrier on the Tree, as she yells, "Erika, stop it! You're going to hit the barrier!" 

Erika didn't listen to her, as the barrier bounced her off, as Yui came out her pocket as well. 

Erika was intended to go further, but Leafa and Mitsuki held their friend, to persuade her that there is nothing more they can do about it. 

"Stop it, Erika, it's simply impossible!" Mizuki pleads to her. 

"Yeah, what's the point of going? You can't possibly go any more than this!" Leafa concurred, trying to make Erika understand. 

But Erika was so desperate, desperate more than ever to go into the World Tree more than ever, to see Kazuto once again. 

"I have to go! I need to go there!" She said, very desperately as Mitsuki and Leafa see the expression on her. 

Yui went towards the barrier, as she couldn't bear it any longer as she touches the barrier shields that contain them to see Kirito. 

She said, in a desperate dispear, "Daddy! It's me, It's me, Yui! I'm right here, with mommy! " 

She begins to cry as she screams so loudly that no one could ever hear, of a daughter desperate of seeing her father, 



In the World Tree, Kirito was sitting in his desk, felt all is lost, until he hears a familiar voice calling out to him. 

"Daddy! Daddy! It's me, I'm here!" 

"Yui? Is that you?" He asked, as Yui continues calling out to him, "Daddy, I'm right here!" 

He runs to the bars as he said, "Yui! I hear you, I'm right here! " 

He said, clutching on the bars, "Asuna... " 

He then knew that he couldn't give up, knowing that he has some hope now, that Asuna had arrived to save him. 

"I have to let them know . I have to. " 

That was he realizes that he had something. He picked up the black card that he had stolen from the console, and dropped it down to the surface, hoping that Asuna would guess that he was hearing Yui's call. 

"Asuna.. please, hurry. " He mutters in hoping of being rescued and finally be in the real world where he belongs. 


Erika continues to bang the barrier, "What the hell is this so strong?"

She was about to open up her sword again, as she notices something falling from the top of the tree and lands into her hands. 

Mizuki and the others gather around to examine it. 

"Have any of you guys seen this before?" Erika asked her friends. None of them knew the answer to that question. 

"Sorry, I don't know ." Mizuki said, as Leafa concurs , "I'm pretty positive that I never seen an item like that in Alfheim Online." 

Yui looked at it very carefully as she realized, "This is.. a System Access Code Console!" 

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