CHAPTER 1 - A quick reminiscence

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Santa Monica, California.

Present day.

It was a drizzling early morning, and the rhythm of the wet leaves wavering in all particular directions sounded like a wake up call for me.

"Why doesn't this world take a break, at least for a single day?" I cursed no one in particular but the climate of California and began my routine day, which is no different from a typical high school student's day. It never took much time to choose the outfit of the day since I have a weird habit of turning my closet upside down the previous night in hope of finding a brand new, prodigious outfit that actually never exists in my closet.

My clothes are black witches in disguise. They always create magic with colors. When I am in search of a vibrant tint, all my clothes will turn dull, boring shades. And when I am in the mood to wear some not-so-bright outfits, I always end up having a closet full of glowing colors.

There I was, with a black denim jacket with jeans and loafers, which is my preferred one for a typical rainy day, my hair being held gently by a ponytail. And of course, how could I forget my slicker?

When I was downstairs, my mom had already left for her job, leaving a short note stuck to the refrigerator.

Have a great day, honey. By the way, don't forget to have your breakfast, and don't forget your rain jacket. Say hello to Jason. It read.

Being a cardiologist is never an easy job. But both my mom and dad found a perfect balance between me and their medical profession.

I hurried a piece of sandwich into my mouth. I should appreciate the taste of it even in this rush.

"Mom, you are a true savior!" I whispered with a mouthful of sandwich.

"I too owe some credits, El." My dad came with a few of my favorite candies.

"You're heroic as always, dad. Love you and bye." I didn't forget to seize the candies from his hands.

"It's sloppy outside; ride safe, El." His words reached my ears, though I stepped onto the sidewalk.

I habitually prefer my blackbird. Not that I fly sitting on a black-pigmented bird, but Blackbird is my bike. Though it's showery outside, I'll always go for her. That pact between me and my bicycle can barely be put into words. My thoughts get fancy wings and start hovering up and around when I am riding her.

It's just a quick bike ride from my home to Santa Monica High School. Yet, I always start my day earlier so that I can spend some time with Jas before landing at school.

Jas is my best pal from childhood, without whose presence my recent days in high school got tougher. He took a long sick leave because of the impact of a cruel event.

He is a person with body cells full of energy and a heart full of enthusiasm. He has a never-ending thirst to learn something new. No one could tie his hands or his fascinating mind.

I admire you at times, Mr. Jason Bennett.

"You're a mitochondrion, Jas, the power house of Southern California." I used to tease him calling that.

But the quick succession of two tragic events shifted his life by a total of 180°. It was the day after Christmas Eve when I got a call from Jas.

"For your kind information, if you don't show up at our usual hangout spot within ten minutes, then I won't spare you for the rest of your life. Thanks, Ms. Elena Davis. Have a great day." He hung up the phone without delay.

"Such an urging idiot you are, Jas." I murmured as I got ready. We used to hang out at a café nearby with Larry, Joel, and Clara.

Larry is my companion while riding. He looks handsome when his dense, silky charcoal-black hair blows in the wind. His soothing voice can do magic in consoling hearts. Being brainy, if someone ends up asking him for clarification on calculating the velocity of light, he will end up explaining the black hole theory. He always sounds a bit bizarre.

I am absolutely proud of having you in our group, Mr. Flair.

Joel is a funny guy with a little of his brain being used. He has a non-stop blabbermouth. Later, we got used to it. Despite that, he is the most funny guy, and with his presence, you couldn't stop your mouth from widening. Still, even when I am thinking of him now, I can hear his blatherings echoing inside my head.

No one can rescue us from you, Joe. I smiled.

"Hey El, you are a bit late. We had already had our cappuccino. Sorry, we even had yours", said Clara, licking around her lips. I made a funny mockery and grabbed a seat near her.

Clara is my only go-to person every single day. She is a pretty girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, which are so adorable. The way she carries herself will definitely make one fall for her. No wonder boys run behind her.

"I think we should skip our classes tomorrow." Joel gazed at us, waiting for our response.

"But for what?" Clara secretly signaled to verify if we had forgotten something important.

"It's my birthday coming. How could you guys forget that? No, I am totally fed up. I am leaving now." He used to emotionally blackmail us every time by saying this signature dialogue of his.

"Joe, please stop this overacting drama." I guffawed at his naive acting.

"We are already all set for your birthday bump ceremony, Joe."

"Jokes apart. What presents are you going to gift me?" Joel was so curious.

"Definitely a slap in both your cheeks."

"You'll be so gorgeous with cherry-red cheeks, Joe. Oh, wow, how adorable you'll be." I joined Larry. I could scrutinize all the quick reactions his face exhibited.

"Stop keeping your face like that. I couldn't bear." Clara said what I intended to say. Quickly, Jas had his mobile beeping.

All of a sudden, his face changed to an agonized one. No doubt he heard something lousy from the other side. He stood still as if frozen, not being able to sense what he perceived. His hands were shivering, and he started sweating badly. I have never seen him like this before.

Shouldn't be something very dreadful. I kept my fingers crossed.


Hey, beautiful beings!

I hope you all are doing well.

I will meet you soon with a new update!

Have a happy read, pals!


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