CHAPTER 13 - Pollyanna of the day

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Kia and I made a beeline for the cafeteria after our first day of classes. The cafeteria was chock-a-block with so many people that we needed to wait a long time to grab our orders.

We both sat at a table face-to-face, holding our burgers after we managed to pay for them. Our mouths were the ones putting so much effort into neutralizing the act of chewing and chit-chatting.

Straight away, a hand passed a piece of tissue paper towards me along the surface of our table. The alabaster-white tissue was written with the word 'Sorry!' I lifted my chin up to see whose hands had scrawled it.

"It was him. Yes! It was definitely him." I talked to myself.

The one who turned his face against me in the library, the one who hit me and hurtled even without uttering that missing 'y', the one whose face I pointed just a column of desks away from mine in my class.

"Why did he choose astrophysics for God's sake? Isn't there any other course for him? How am I going to digest him for three more years? Oh, jeez! Help me!" I screamed silently. 

"Am sorry." He said it in a monotonous tone. "Just am sorry?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "I am sorry!" He, this time insisted on the word "I."

Kia's eyes weren't blinking since she couldn't figure out anything going on and was totally out of the scene. I should've told her in the first place. But I didn't want to exaggerate by saying her all this nonsense.

As I turned my head towards him to clarify things, he was gone already. I couldn't catch how he darted this fast. I, in an urge, looked above to make sure he didn't fly away with a parachute or something.

"His parachute should strike in between some tree's branches, and he should struggle there for days with no way to flee or descend." I prayed to the Almighty like a half-witted girl.

"He didn't fly, you stupid girl. He hastened away the very moment you glanced at me and regretted not saying about this to me earlier." Kia said she swallowed the last bite of her no-longer-existing burger. "What?" I couldn't credit that she too intercepted my mind's voice.

"Am I such an open book?" I asked her in total confusion.

'Yes!' A message popped up on my mobile screen, and it was Jas's.

"How can even he detect my thoughts from thousands of miles away?" I was astonished.

"You should learn to stop depicting your feelings through your face. Just in case, if you're cursing me, I wouldn't get to know, right? A safer side for both of us." Kia said as she snatched my Frappuccino.

I couldn't resist calling Jas to settle my messy mind.

"Hey El! I thought of calling you already. I have something for you, and", I interrupted him, as I wanted to know how he sent that message at perfect timing.

"I'm afraid, Jas. I'm afraid that you might become a real wizard in the near future. If you keep on doing this, then I'll file a complaint against you that you're practicing some kind of wizard craft at your aunt's house. And don't regret it later, as I would do that only for your very own goodness. I'm sorry in advance." I released my held breath after showing my concern in such a long dialogue without a break.

"Are you nuts, El?" His words were sharp.

"Err, at times. And it's only because of you." I yelled at him for asking all the questions that I should actually be asking him.

"I think you should consult a doctor for schizophrenia as you have some memory issues." As he said that, I could sense the regret in his tone, even in this wireless communication.

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