CHAPTER 14 - After forever ends

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I freaked out for a second as I heard a female voice over the other side.

"Who.. Who's this? E?" I asked being flummoxed whether I dialed the right number.

"Eee? You just called me to say Eee?" Anyone in this situation would patently ask this question. The fault is not with them but his name.

"Sorry, I'm El. And I got a message from this number." I said placing my palm over my forehead.

"Hey El! Is this you? Can't you recognize me baby?" She sounded cheerful after hearing my name.

Now I unearthed it. It's about the name. My name always triggers people's joy, you know.

But look at his name. Ahhh god! Do some marvels and change his name for my sake!

"Ahem.. I couldn't." I felt guilty as I couldn't discern her voice. Who ever it may be, definitely she's gonna behead me for this.

"Oh El, I'm Jas's aunt Kathryn. How did you forget my voice?" She was worried.

But why Jas's aunt is writing me letters? My head started spinning in 360°.

"Wow! How are you doing Mrs. Kathryn?" I formally asked her, since I couldn't query her at first hand about those message and letters.

"I'm great, El." She exclaimed talking to me after a great while. "Well, Umm.. I've received a message from this number." I hesitated in asking her forthwith.

"Uh! I don't know dear. I think Jas might have texted you from my mobile, since his was fallen into the pool."

"What! I spoke to him shortly in that mobile. Can I talk to him?" The velocity of my spinning head proliferated sequentially.

"Hold a sec", she called Jas. I soberly waited for him doing nothing but fascinating whether he is the one who wrote me all these letters. But, I gave him my address shortly. Then how could he manage to send letters on the very first day we reached here?

He must be playing prank with me writing those.

"Hey El!! What's up?" He sounded casual.

"What happened to your phone, man?"

"You lil imp. It's all because of you." He yelled at me.

"Oh what! What did I do?" I was bewildered by his response.

"I was talking with you and roaming around the yard. As I dwelt in blabbering, I didn't even know that you have cut the call. Adding on, I failed to look at the pool in front of me and fell into it with my mobile. Rest is history." He sighed in regret.

"You deserve this jerk." I couldn't curb my laughter after imagining the scene. "Check if there's any frog in your pocket." I joshed him since he's so afraid of frogs and he pukes at the very pronunciation of that word.

"Yuck! Shut your damn mouth, El." He roared and I could sense that, by the time he would have got goosebumps all over.

"What! Didn't you go for puking already?" I lied on my bed as my energy drained out after cackling untiringly.

"No. I'm not afraid of them now." He suddenly sounded like a grown up man.

"Jokes apart. So it's you who wrote me all these letters huh?" I laid in prone position waiting for the answer.

"Letters? I just wrote you one, El. The one you might probably received today."

"Only one? Then who wrote all the remaining?" I was apparently stupid for asking him about something he didn't even know existed.

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