CHAPTER 4 - Buoyant day

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Jas's residence.

I hurried the keys into the key holes and unlatched them. Promptly, I climbed upstairs and jumped into his room in no time. I inspected every nook and corner in an attempt to find him. Still, his presence was absent.

Did he vanish into thin air?

"Oh, you stupid mind! Just shut up!" I commanded my nonsense brain as it started imagining fantasy stuff. I couldn't think of anything else, as I was at the extreme peak of confusion. I quickly sneaked into his entire house in search of him. Forthwith, I found his bathroom locked in.

"Jas? Are you there?" I screamed to verify if he was fine.

No reply.

"Don't even think of breaking in." Susan warned me after judging my thoughts.

"Thank you for proposing the idea," I said.

It took a lot of diligent efforts to break it as a single person, as Susan was not willing to help. As soon as I broke the latch, I saw Jas lying unconscious in the bath tub. He was partially submerged in the cold water. I tried shaking him to wake him up. But he was lying still. I forcibly splashed water on his face. It took quite a long time for him to gain his senses.

"Are you feeling good?" I caressed his forehead to check on him.

"A bit better." He rubbed his eyes mildly to get clear vision.

"But what are you doing here, El? Aren't you supposed to be in your classes?" He asked as if nothing had happened.

"Yeah. But when I came here this morning, I found this stupid letter on your lawn. And my half-witted mind began imagining horrific things. Henceforth, I broke in. Of course, without Susan's aid."

I continued, "You were lying senseless. After a prolonged wait, you woke up and are now questioning me mindlessly." Somehow I was relieved that nothing terrific happened.

"What the heck? You broke the door? You are so intolerable, El." He regretted the repair charges.

"Stop being so stingy. You should thank me for rescuing you."

"It's just that I dizzied down as usual. Nothing big. You already know that I have had this health issue since my childhood, right?"

"To hell with your dizziness, Jas. I was totally freaked out this time, only because of this letter of yours."

I showed him that piece of paper and impatiently waited for the response. His face customized an immediate change in its reaction.

"So, what are you saying about this?"

"This is just... Just a script for a story, El. Nothing more."

It was well apparent that he was striving to manage somehow. I didn't wish to dig it up further. But I assured him, "Let me know if you're not feeling okay. I'm right next to you." I patted his shoulder.

"Yeah, El. Definitely." He reassured.

"Better, you can make the move to the classes. Susan is here to take care of me already."

"Nope, Jas. I thought of spending the left-over day with you after all."

We managed to have a not-so-boring day. We watched few movies and had a finger-licking good meal prepared by Susan.

"Clara called me, worrying why I didn't show up to school. I informed her to come here with the other two once the classes get over." I told him.

"Yay, that sounds like a plan." His face bloomed.

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