CHAPTER 9 - Mr. Moon & Ms. Venus

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Life is as easy as pie when I wake up one Sunday and my mom and dad are waiting for me to have breakfast with my favorite fusilli pasta with chunky tomato sauce.

Life feels so flawless with savory pasta and nummy sauce. Unfortunately, many people don't comprehend this.

"Yippee! I love them ceaselessly!" I glorified it, licking the fork until it shone bright and silvery. "Don't end up eating the fork too." My dad said it with side-splitting laughter.

"Baby, do you want some more?" My mom raised the bowl to serve me some.

"Nope, mom. I'm done." I snatched a glass of orange juice and gulped it down in one fell swoop.

"So, do you have any plans tonight?" Mom demanded it, urging finely chopped potato salad into her soft, gaping mouth.

"Um, nothing but my watch later list on Netflix is growing abnormally, and I thought of wasting my night with it."

"But we had a plan for you. Mr. Wilson invited us for dinner."

"Nuh-uh! I'm not coming, mom." I stood up and strolled to the living room. I reclined on the sofa, relaxing my arms around its back. When I turned on the television and scanned the channels, my mom hollered from behind.

"Why are you protesting like a little kid, El?"

"Mom, it's just that I don't feel engaged out there. It's boring."

"You shouldn't feel this way, honey. Moreover, Leo will be so enraptured to have you." I didn't care to respond to her as I submerged into the reality show.

"Anyway, you're coming. End of the discussion." She clamoured without expecting my reply. Her tone suggested that it wasn't a request anymore but an irrefutable order.


The wondrous moon was swollen to the fullest, intimating it was a full moon day. The stars were scattered throughout the sky, flickering to supplement the moonlight.

Venus was glittering brightly next to the moon. I always do love the Moon and Venus couple rather than the stars. Being weaved together, they bring tranquil nights for 263 days and heavenly mornings for another 263. Either way, they give birth to the best parts of the day!

Though they're sojourning cheek by cheek for only a few hours, they never fail to broadcast their intimacy within that span by sparkling brightly in unison.

If glowing together is an art, then Mr. Moon and Ms. Venus are the Picasso couple of it!

The crisp, gentle breeze massaged my cheeks as I leaned my head out through the side window. Due to the high speed of the car, it felt like the moon was hurtling along with me.

No, you shouldn't leave your Juliet for me! Don't worry, I'll find myself someone better than you. My husky, indistinct words dissolved in the air the very moment I uttered them. Mr. Moon will apparently not spare me for this.

Just when I said that, he stopped rushing behind me. "Jeez! Did he really hear what I said?" I yelled in shock. "El, do you mind getting out of the car?" My dad's voice intruded on my stupefaction.

Ew! It's the car that stopped.

"No, I don't mind, dad." I stepped out of the car and sprinted fast to match my parents long footsteps.

When we reached the front door, Mr. Wilson opened it without giving us a chance to hit the bell. Mr. Fast and Furious he is, as always.

Leo peeked out in the gap between Mr. Wilson's legs. Once he found my face, he wiggled his tail repeatedly, striking Mr. Wilson's legs. His eyelids were relaxed, and he blinked them a lot. His gaze was soft and as soothing as dancing in a snowfall during the summer. That's how he'll lay the red carpet welcome for me to roll in. "Aw, my cutie!" I lifted him and patted his golden, fluffy forehead.

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