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" Do me a favor, Hanna," a boy with navy hair spoke to me gently, his hand caressing my cheeks ever so slightly.

"Remember me."


  With a sudden jolt, I was awake. 

  I sat upright and stared blankly at the whiteboard ahead of me. Still dazed from the dream, I became oblivious to the situation I was in. I should've known, though; the snickers that passed around the classroom and the teacher that was looking rather furiously at me. 

  I was caught sleeping, wasn't I?

" Detention for two weeks, Kim Hanna!" the teacher announced to the class in a loud, shrill voice. 

My heart dropped when I heard this dreadful news. I was going to spend two weeks with Mrs. Goh, including my break and lunch where it has been unwillingly sacrificed, with the most hated teacher in the school. 

Might I further add, the sadistic smile plastered on her face with that evil glint hidden in her eyes showed exactly what kind of person she was.

I fought the urge to cuss or talk back, not wanting the detention to extend for a few more weeks based on my previous experiences with her. I pressed my lips tightly and showed my fakest smile to her, a token of appreciation for the generosity she has blessed upon me. 

Oh shit.

Her face darkened as soon as she saw my angelic face, so much so that she had to make one of her own. Can't compare to mine, but still, it was worth a try.

 I could feel the corner of my lips curving into a smile upon seeing Mrs. Goh's exasperated face. It was truly a sight to behold, her expression contorted in grimace as she wrinkled her nose, squeezed her eyes shut, and twisted her mouth. All of which I presume to show anger, but can easily be mistaken for an exaggerated sitcom comedy show. 

Not the good one either, but the bad one with one-star reviews.

I was lucky I wasn't the only one who thought of it. The whole class seems more relaxed and burst out laughing when they saw Mrs. Goh. They were not afraid of her, seeing as the class was approaching to an end, they could do whatever they wanted. 

She looks furiously at me, I could almost feel the intense heat she was radiating, her eyes bulging out so widely I wonder when it might just pop out. There were multiple layers of wrinkles that sat on her forehead, gleaming in sweat, accompanied by her thick, bushy eyebrows that were furrowed deeply. 

"KIM-" she shouted at the top of her lungs, pointing her perfectly manicured fingernails right towards me. 

As if on cue, the bell rang deafeningly across the school hallway, cutting off her speech right when she was about to say my name. The sound of moving chairs and shuffling feet had muted her, everyone was looking forward to their breaks, which definitely did not include being with her. I quickly took this chance and sling my bag over my shoulder, quietly slipping through the cracks of my classmates, praying she wouldn't notice.

I had considered myself quite tall, but that would be an overstatement when compared to the other girls and boys. For the first time, I appreciated being somewhat short, allowing myself to escape in unpredictable situations, like this one. It was a success to say the least- I was free from the stuffy atmosphere of the classroom, but I knew, there would be hell to pay later on.

I walked briskly along the corridors, eliminating any chances of her possibly catching up to me. Just as I was deciding what to get for break, I suddenly felt a bump on my right shoulder, throwing me off guard. Startled, I turned back and saw a girl looking at me with irritation in her eyes. Crossing her arms over her chest, she gave me a final look before walking away. I stared at her silhouette, even more confused as I did before, I could only wonder what I did wrong to piss her off.

She was shorter than me, but with brunette hair like hers and big, mesmerizing eyes, she was bound to catch the attention of many. I can only imagine the guys chasing after her, giving chocolates and letters every day; she was living the Y/N life. 

I knew her name was Luda, fairly popular, but most importantly, she was part of the student council. In our school, the student council presides over all student activities and holds an insane level of control over the school. Just imagine, one single member of the student council rivals around three head of departments in terms of authority and decisions. 

I could not fathom that logic- not at all, but that was just a notorious rumor floating around the gossip circle. It could very well be true given all the status she has, but there was no solid evidence of anything. Regardless, I shrugged and brushed it off.

It had nothing to do with me anyway.

My stomach grumbled loudly, and I realized I still craved for that Turtle-shaped Melon bun before I was so rudely interrupted by one of the underlings from the scary cult. I reached in my pocket for my purse, retrieving some coins before stowing it back away in my blazer, I journeyed my way through the busy canteen.

"Hanna!" I heard the familiar high-pitched voice across the canteen.

I looked over and saw Eunbi in her greatest glory- hands stuffed with packs of Melon buns with one bread in her mouth as she ate to her heart's content, smiling brightly. 

We were truly meant to be soul mates after all, I thought blissfully with tears almost in my eyes. It's a shame we were not in the same class

As I roughly patted- or slammed as she liked to refer- on her back congratulating her for stocking away the delicious goods, we skillfully danced away from the crime scene. What I had not known at the time was how oblivious I had been to what were to come. If I had known, I would have gave more slaps on her back and ate more Melon buns, I would have also liked to see Mrs. Goh face contortion's lessons more. 

But as it goes, fate always has a few tricks in its sleeves to surprise you when you least expect it to. 


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