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He hummed a melodious melody while playing with my hair, braiding it with flowers until it reached to the end, then loosening it just to tie it all over again. It was soothing for me. I was at peace as I relaxed among the tall meadows of prickly grass and big, vibrant flowers. I didn't recognize such a peaceful place in Korea, or even know that such a heavenly place could exist.

I could feel his warm breath on my neck when he reached forward to grab another section of my hair. It was soothing being with him, calming almost, that I could be myself without worrying every little thing I do.

I knew I wasn't in danger, that's for sure. But I also had dozens of questions on my mind. 

 I wanted to stay like this forever, where all my troubles would vanish into thin air and all that's left was...us?


I had reached school early today. 

Surprising, I know

My mother was also shocked, very shocked actually, and even asked if I was doing alright. She touched my forehead to check whether I was having a fever and did the whole procedure of her 'mom fever check' thing. I barely escaped my house but I guess her reaction was understandable? 

I usually slept in late every single day, but today was just different. I had a dream that was bothering me, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I only remembered the sensation I felt, that it was peaceful and calm, nothing else. I frowned, confused that I had this unexpected overpowering feeling of losing something important, like I was forgetting something.

I brushed my thoughts away, silently reassuring myself it was nothing more than a dream.

I was already at the door of my classroom before I knew it. Both hands tightened on the sides of my bag, I took a deep breath in before reaching for the brass, metal handle of the door. Right before I placed my hand on the handle, another hand suddenly extended from my peripheral vision, apparently reaching towards the handle as well. 

Before I could even react, our hands touched each other briefly, making me startled from the foreign contact. 

"Ah, Sorry." I quickly apologised and placed my hand back to my side.

"It's alright." 

He looked over to me and grinned from ear to ear, his eyes in the shape of a crescent, showing me his perfect set of straight, white teeth. I enjoyed seeing his face smiling so brightly, though I didn't know him, it made me smile. I think anyone would have if they were in my shoes. It was something straight out of a K-Drama movie; the handsome, charming boy casually smiles while walking through the corridors of hell- I mean school- with professional cameras panning in forty different angles. 

Sounds rather familiar doesn't it?

He was near perfection to say the least, with soft brown hair that looked too tempting to touch, big, mesmerizing eyes and smooth, fair skin; I was in awe. He was the definition of a classic, handsome boy that oozed with charms wherever he went, with whoever. 

Surely, if someone as handsome as him crossed paths with me, I would remember their name, let alone their face. This confirmed my theory that I haven't seen him before.

I stared into his auburn orbs, but only for the maximum of three seconds before looking else where. It did not only apply to handsome people- maybe- but I felt uncomfortable looking at people for such an abnormally long period of time. Like, what do you want? A staring contest or something?

He kept looking at me and not only was I stressed out but I was convinced he in fact wanted me to feel uncomfortable. I doubt that was the case but surely he knew how to read the room, or in this case, my tensed face. 

I forced my lips to smile, and I pushed open my classroom door, wanting to get as far away from him as possible.

"Are you Kim Hanna?" He asked and touched my shoulder to get my attention. 

I inhaled and mentally debated whether I've seen him somewhere before. He knew my name but I haven't even seen him, much less talk to him. I guess I was a relatively new student but I think it leans towards the fact that this school simply houses too many students. There's always room for more- as the empty rooms in the boarding house suggest- but there are over two hundred students in my year alone. 

Another problem in my hesitation to answer boils down if this was an invitation for more trouble to come. I'm not exactly a clean slate in my records, and from my past experience, this was always how I got into detention. Yeah, by random students approaching and confirming that I indeed have six hours of hell in a week. 

"Depends." I trailed off subtly, trying to appear innocent. 

"Alright." he nodded and scribbled some things on a small note pad. I assumed he took that as a yes and I was even more convinced that he was my Grim Reaper now. 

"Right, have a good day." I painfully smiled and entered my classroom door without giving him any chance to object. 

" Wait-" he was cut off by the sound of the door as I slid into my class. How weird, I think I heard a ghost. I should really sleep more.

I walked to my seat that was in the far corner on the left, stepping through some of the outstretched legs of my sleeping classmates. It was a normal school day, with the soft gossiping voices of girls discussing about their new favourite anime , the loud roars of the boys while they violently pushed each other; it was how everything should be. 

I just had to ignore that weird and meaningless encounter. Nothing will happen, I thought to myself. Yes, that's precisely some lousy form of questionnaires from a club member to gather... information. A rather interesting way but I shall not question. 

As I sat in my seat in the cold and comfortable room, I thought that it was missing something. 

That's right- Eunbi. 

I wished Eunbi was here so I could actually talk with someone. Not to say I don't have any friends, but it was just that by chance, every friend groups have been neatly packed together, un-scattered into my homeroom class. Except for me and Eunbi which had been categorized as a duo, had been split into two rather than a five friend group. 

I didn't know the probability, but I dare say that it was rare. Or a set up as I might argue.

I knew some other people from other classes, but our timetable was so separated and different that we didn't have the chance to talk. I knew someone in class 3A from outside of school as we frequently used to meet because of my mother, but there was no way I could even utter a single word to him in school. 

I was glad that the school was big because my chances of meeting him ever were practically slim to none, and how I'm eternally grateful would never be properly expressed in words to what I felt.

That's why I had Eunbi.  

If she was here we would've have indefinitely swapped our names so we could get in trouble together. For now, I think it would be the best if I worked my ass off to reach the level she's at. I may be lacking in the intelligence department but I was pretty sure some nifty tricks here and there would push me up the grading system. 

That is, if I succeed.


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