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"Say, what's your name?" I asked him casually.

"Hmm..why?" He replied with a mischievous undertone in his voice, his brow arched as he looked at me.

"N-nothing," I fumbled on my words and looked away to avoid any form of eye-contact. "I'm just curious, that's all."

I focused my attention on the grass beneath me where we were both sitting on, suddenly becoming very interested.

Wow, the grass is green.

I could hear him chuckle, and I couldn't resist but look over to the person of perfection beside me. The wind blew past his hair, with an arm extended to the back for support and legs stretched out on the grass . Tell me, how in the world did he manage to pull off the definition of perfection, without even trying?

His angular, sharp jawline and smooth, fair skin, plump and red lips, big monolid eyes that complemented his messy navy blue hair was a result of his angelic face. Furthermore, he had a charming demeanour that just glowed within him, something that made him more attractive, if that's even possible.

"There's no point." he exhaled. "You wouldn't remember me."

"That's not true." I huffed, purposely sounding disappointed. "I remember when you braided my hair with flowers and I would remember everything that happened right now. Who wouldn't remember an angel right?"

He looked at me longingly and laughed, smiling brightly and happily, though I could sense a tinge of sadness in his face hidden somewhere. 

"I wasn't talking about that memory, but I'll accept any form of it that comes from you." 

I tried to decipher his cryptic words but I was too busy plucking the grass from its roots to hide my blushed face.

He looked at the horizon of the sunset, staring longingly before muttering something inaudible.

"Hm..?" I tilted my head to the side, not quite catching what he said.

"Hwang Hyunjin"


I was in a sour mood today. 

Perhaps it was the pounding headache this morning, or the fact that I came early to school again. Either ways, I couldn't tell what set me off on a bad mood. I had a hunch it was something that I dreamt, though I have no recollection to justify how it pissed me off. I just felt angry towards everything in my life that was going in a million different directions, and I had no control over it.

I wanted to scream and release the anger that was surged in me, filling every entity of cell and made me hate everyone, including myself. The heavy thump of my headache proved to be the fuel of gas as it came hammering down on my head, knocking me senseless every time.

I gathered the bottom of my jacket, fisting it to clench onto something, trying to ease the pain as I desperately cling onto my consciousness.

"Are you alright?"

The low and rough voice echoed in my head as I urged myself to look up, to meet the person talking to me.

Don't be a fool, look up.

I swallowed the pain down my throat harshly and managed a weak smile as I looked up to him. It was Jaehyun, with his knees bent slightly to meet eye-level with me and a worried expression evident in his eyes.

I didn't know why he was here, but the pain was overriding my senses to think properly. 

"Yes, I'm fine" I quickly mumbled. 

"I don't think so," he said in a warry tone. "Let's go, I'll take you to the nurse's office"

" No, no, it's fine I have detention now." 

"Are you serious? Why do you care about that? You're really sick now," he frowned and looked at me seriously. "You might just collapse."


I can't help but laugh a little seeing his reaction, all serious and worried over something so trivial. If it wasn't for the headache, I might just pat his head like a puppy, because that's what he looks like now. 

I contemplated twice and decided to go for it. I extended my arms attempting to pat his head, but another heavy thump hit my head like a hammer and I withdrew in quickly, covering my head.

I couldn't see his face, but could feel the tug on my right arm and my waist which the warm sensation that subsided my headache a little.

"Let's go."

> ??? POV

I checked my watch twice and adjusted my blazer and tie properly before I took a step into the meeting room. With my assistant closely following behind me, we were rather late for the student council meeting that started twenty minutes ago. 

I pushed open the doors and walked into the room that was in a midst of discussion, stopping suddenly when I entered the room. As I scanned around the table, I was delighted that not everyone was present in this meeting, though it was emphasized as an important one.

Though, I don't really see a point.

The room was silent upon my arrival, and I was glad I wasn't attacked with questions on how it is the duty as a fellow member to obey punctuality. I walked to my seat seeing no objections and gladly sat on the velvet cushion of the chair.

"Why are you late?" Eun-kyung broke the silence and questioned.

"Issues." I simply replied with, not bothering to go into details.

I saw her gave a small nod and looked to her papers quickly, avoiding my gaze. It still wasn't a full house as I could still see two missing chairs from my view, with the bright red cushion sticking out.


Roy coughed and continued on with his speech.

"As I was saying, based on the last two weeks of the reopening of school, we have all gathered on areas to improve on helping perfect the school prefectorial system. Our aim as finalized by the headmaster and committees are to be the top school in Gangnam district and earn the Excellence Academic Award and Best Performing School District of 2020. Proved to be a challenge and something difficult to obtain, we require students to give in their all and achieve this in honour of the school. However, a problem arises that the number of rebellious attempts of students are increasing, and would be in the way of our ultimate goal-"

"Sorry I'm late." a male voice disrupts Roy and jogs to his seat, followed by his assistant.

Ahh, that jerk.

Lee Jaehyun.

If I wasn't in the same shoes as he was, I would question him why he interrupted Roy's speech.

 I particularly disliked him because of the kind of person he was; a player. Though more than qualified to be a member of the student council, I hated how easily he betrayed and used people whenever he felt like it. Although I respected and acknowledged his efforts towards the council, I always acted like I didn't know him afterwards.

I knew I had a talent of lying, but I only used when it's necessary and had a good benefit to either the recipient or me. I wouldn't even begin with how he knows he's good at lying, and uses it to his benefit for malicious intent to get out of situations. He was a master of manipulation, and toyed with people's emotions because he was bored; I despised those behaviours and was what made me distanced myself from him.


Dream ≠ h.h.jजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें