Chapter 8: Plotting His Next Failed Plan

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJ or HP. I don't own the picture, I found it on the internet. Enjoy!

Voldemort's POV:

I was annoyed, no furious, at Albus Dumbledore. I had discovered that I have a Grandson and I went to go and collect him, only to be told that the fancy dress party was downstairs and informed that we were the second group of people to turn up looking like that. I'm not sorry to say that that muggle is no longer with us. (A/N: he didn't kill Sally, just some random muggle)
Curse Dumbledore! He must have my Grandson!

I was sitting in the office at Malfoy Manor plotting my next move when I heard a cough behind me.
"Who dares..." I started.
"Yeah, yeah...I know. Who dares disturb me?! Heard it all before!" the woman told me.
For once in my lifetime, I was speechless.
The woman plonked herself down onto the desk and introduced herself to me, "My name is Nemesis, I'm the Greek Goddess of Revenge. I'm here to inform you that your grandson has a God for his father, Poseidon to be specific. This makes him a demigod, and a very powerful one at that. The girl he is with is Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena. She is smart and good with a dagger, watch out for her. Right I think that's all I came to tell you...bye."

"What...wait," I demanded, "Does Dumbledore know that he's a demigod? Why are you helping me? How do I know that you're actually a Goddess?"
Nemesis sighed, "The answer to your first question is no, you have the advantage. The second answer is I'm helping you because you want revenge and I'm the Goddess of Revenge. I'm not going to answer the last question, you'll know I'm telling the truth when I teleport out of here. Wizards can't teleport out of here."
With that, she flashed out leaving me to think over the information she had told me. I didn't think that Potter would treat my grandson well so he would be easy to turn. I grinned and stroked Nagini.
"This will be a fun year..." I hissed.

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