Day 16

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Kise: Kenlycchi, are you okay?

Seen 9:54pm


Ken: Yes, of course. Why do you ask?

Kise: You said in your status two hours ago that you're feeling sick.

Kise: :(

Seen 9:55pm

Ken: Ah yeah, I have a cold.

Kise: What?? Then are you okay??


Ken: Yep, perfectly fine. I told you, didn't I? My body is weak, I get sick easily.

Kise: Who's taking care of you now?

Ken: I can take care of myself.

Seen 9:57pm

Kise: Where do you live?

Ken: What kind of question is that?


Kise: Just answer it.

Ken: Why?

Kise Ryouta is typing..

Kise: I want to see you.

Ken: What? No.

Kise: Please. I'm worried.

Seen 9:59pm

Kise: Kenlycchi.


Kise: Kenlycchi!

Seen 10:02pm

Kise: Please.

Seen 10:04pm

Kise: :'(


Ken: I'm sorry, Kise-kun.

Ken: I can't tell you where I live.


Kise: Don't you trust me?

Seen 10:15pm

Ken: No.

Ken: It's not like that.

Kise Ryouta is typing..

Ken: I'm just not ready to meet you.

Kise Ryouta is typing..

Seen 10:16pm

Kise: I'm willing to wait, Kenlycchi.


Ken: I really wonder why you're like that, Kise-kun.

Kise: Like what?

Ken: Like that.

Kise: I don't know what you're talking about-ssu.

Shinomiya Ken is typing..


Ken: Nevermind.

Ken: I'll go to bed now. I'm sleepy.

Seen 10:18pm

Kise: Did you eat your dinner?

Ken: Yeah.

Kise: How about your medicine?


Ken: Finish, SIR!

Kise: Good.

Kise: :)

Ken: Tch.

Seen 10:19pm

Kise: Good night, Kenlycchi. :)

Kise: I hope you get well soon-ssu. ><

Ken: Thanks, Kise-kun. Good night :)

Seen 10:20pm


Kise: "I wonder why you make me smile! :)"   3 minutes ago

Kise: Kenlycchi, you're talking about me, aren't you?

Seen 10:25pm

Kise: Just seen??

Seen 10:26pm

Kise: Hey!

Seen 10:26pm

Kise: Uh-huh! I get it, you're shy.

Kise: XD

Seen 10:27pm

Kise: Well then, let's leave it at that. Close your eyes now and sleep, no more cheesy status or else it's me that's going to melt.

Kise: ;)

Seen 10:27pm

Kise: You're so cute, Sweetheart.

Kise: Restwell :)

Seen 10:28pm


This is for my Jay-nee, @bacanijhay :) She loves Kise-cchi too. \m/

And guys, I can't update my other books for now because I'm suffering from an extreme writer's block or something like that. Believe me, I'm trying to update atleast a chapter but No. Nada. I hope I'll get over this shit very soon! ;(

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