Chapter 3: Love is in the air

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Mary's pov:

       It was a warm, sunny day in London where the birds where chirping and children were playing. I sat in the park reading one of my favorite Jane Austen novels Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen is of course one of my most favorite authors since she writes so elegantly. I finished my chapter and wandered down the trails of the park as I always do in the morning, we must always stay in routine. A chirp caught my attention and I saw two birds and their little one sitting in the nest feeding the little one. I let my childish side out and giggled at the sight of this family. I felt the same painful feeling I had felt before a few days earlier. I looked away and kept on with my day since I didn't want to be late for my errands.

"Nice day isn't it Mary Poppins" says a voice behind me

I turn around only to discover that Jack is standing behind me with a soft smile and his big beautiful brown eyes. 

"Yes, yes it is" I say with a smile on my face

"May I ask what your doing in the park so early?" 

"Just going on my daily walk, you?"

"Just wanted to look at the cherry blossoms, very beautiful just like ma lady" he said giving his hat a tilt

I blushed but hid it by looking at the trees. "Oh Jack! Stop being so foolish" I say trying not to break out into a laugh. "Oh my! My apologies Jack but I must get going as do have a routine to follow. Off to the market!" I say starting to head off into the direction I was first walking in.

"May I walk with you?" Asks Jack following behind me

I smile softly and respond with "of course"

We head off into the direction of the market not talking for a little while. I enjoyed the feeling of having someone wanting to walk with me somewhere since believe or not I don't have much friends. I took deep breathes enjoying the view as we walked when I saw the bank.

"Jack" I said quietly


"Did the children receive the bowl?"

"Ah yes! They adored it and were very thankful that you returned it. They were a bit saddened though that they couldn't see ya."

"Oh" I said hanging my head low a bit disappointed. 

"Have you got another nanny job yet?" Jack asks trying to change the subject

"Not yet but most likely some day" I reply turning my head to him "My next job could be in Asia!" I said laughing a bit.

Jack frowned clearly not very happy with the joke I was trying to make. 

"How's your lady?" I said smiling wanting to brighten the mood

He smiled and put his hand in his pockets "Ah yes the most beautiful and talented women in the world. Speaks so eloquently, has eyes as bright as the stars, and has the most marvelous laugh in the world" 

I felt jealous at this relationship that Jack had with this women but I locked it away since it was selfish of me. "Must be a wonderful women" I said smiling.

We walked in silence for the next few blocks and it wasn't a very peaceful silence. We finally got to the market where I turned to part ways with Jack only to find him gone. I frowned hoping I wasn't imagining the entire scenario. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around.

"For ma lady" said Jack as he handed me a rose that he got from a flower cart not so far away. 

"Oh Jack how kind of you!" I said putting a hand to my chest and grabbing the rose. I smiled and looked up with a funny look "shouldn't this be for the beautiful lady you have your eyes on Jack?"

he sighed and put a hand to his head as if I had done something wrong. I frowned hoping that I hadn't upset him.

"Mary" he too a deep breathe "how do I say this? " He grabbed my hand and I felt my heart wanting to jump out of my chest and my cheeks warming up. He leaned closer and my brain was telling me to move and that this was awfully wrong, he had his eyes on another women. It was as if everything had disappeared  and it was just us in the market. I felt a warm, soft pair of lips against mine and an arm around my waist. The feeling of his lips against mine made me weak and just made me want to fall into his arms and do it all over again. I stayed in my same spot shocked and most likely red as a tomato.

"It's you Mary Poppins. The most beautiful lady is you" those words made my heart feel as if it were having a party on new years. I couldn't even speak at this point and his puppy dog eyes didn't make it any easier. I backed away and turned my head around, it was against the rules Mary.


"What?" Jack said with a broken voice

"It's against the rules and we must not break rules" I said turning around.

Of course he turned me back around and we stood there for a few minutes staring into each others eyes. 

"Sometimes...A little rule breaking is all we need at times" he said smiling and patting down a strand that was popping out from my curls. I smiled and could feel tears welling up in my eyes again. Yes of course this is what I wanted but I couldn't have it. It was as if Jack had read my mind because he put his soft lips against mine for a kiss and I kissed back. I giggled as I looked into his I told you so look.

"Now we don't want to ruin your schedule Mary Poppins" he said with a suspicous look. He grabbed my hand and the next thing I knew we were off into the market hand in hand with big smiles plastered on our faces. 

Lonely (Mary Poppins x Jack)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu