Chapter 6: Darkness

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  At The Hospital

Jack's pov:

      I sat next to her waiting for the doctor to come back with the results. She lay there, unconscious and it scared me to see her like this. If only she had listened or at least was looking where she was going, we wouldn't have to be in this situation. I held her hand and tried holding back tears that were welling up in my eyes. The doctor finally walked in and I got up out of my seat hoping for good news.

"Jack I believe?" the doctor said

"Yes!" I said a little too happy. I cleared my throat and said it again "Yes, yes that's me"

"It says here that your her significant other" he said looking up

"Yes" I said getting worried

"Well first of all shes going to be okay-"

"Oh thank you, thank you" I said putting my hand on my chest and bowing down a bit

He continued on "a surprise too since her injuries were pretty severe once she got her and now they just magically disappeared. Were going to do a few more tests but overall once she wakes up she'll be free to go"

I smiled looking back at Mary who was laying on the bed. Of course she was already recovered I mean she was THE Mary Poppins. I nodded back at the doctor and I walk out of the room while he and a nurse that walked in do I few tests. I was a little hesitant though since I kept looking back to make sure she was okay. I waited outside for what felt like forever until I was allowed to head back in. The doctor stopped me before walking in though.

"It must be a miracle sir"


"Your girlfriend, somehow she recovered in a few hours and we can't find an explanation for it" he said rubbing is hand on his forehead.

I looked back at her and just stared at her. Mary Poppins never explains anything so I wouldn't expect she would when she wakes up. I nodded which made the doctor confused since to me this type of stuff with Mary was normal. He left and I sat back in my chair right next to Mary. I looked up at the ceiling and then back to her and then to the ceiling until I fell asleep. I woke up to a tap on my knee.

"Jack?" Asked a quiet voice

I open my eyes to find Mary wide wake and sitting on the edge of her bed. I laugh and grab her hands and look her in the eyes. She looks at me confused and I start to worry that the hit might have messed with her head.

"You stayed?" She asks with a broken voice

"Of course I did!" I say moving closer towards her.

She smiles and stares at me trying to figure out what i'm thinking until she looks at the clock in the room. She gets up perfectly as if nothing had happened and starts grabbing her things. 

"We must be off! It's almost dinner time" she says smiling as she turns around. "You wouldn't mind joining me tonight Jack?"

"Not at all" I said getting up and smiling with a hug smile. "I could never have dinner without you" she laughed and we left the room and checked out of the hospital. Once we got out and held her hand tightly and spun her around so she faced me. 

"Next time you have to promise me you'll watch where ya goin Mary" I said with a serious face and a deep voice. She looked at me with an emotionless face which scared me a bit until she finally smiled.

"Very well then, I promise i'll look where i'm going next time"  she said. And the next thing I knew we were off into the evening heading towards her house to have dinner. 

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