Chapter 4: Tea and Biscuits

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Time skip to the next week

Mary's pov:

       I rose from bed feeling fresh and happy as today was what Jack calls a date day. Before I started getting ready I looked deep into my closet to find a slightly fancy yet casual outfit. I picked out a full ling sleeved dress that fit my body and curves nicely. I went into the bathroom and started actually getting ready for the day. I first took a shower and then did my hair and makeup. I put on my signature curls and a natural makeup look with a slightly darker shade of red lipstick, about the same color as my dress. I went off to my room to pick up the short, black heels that I would be wearing and headed downstairs. 

I skipped breakfast this morning since Jack and I would be going out for tea and biscuits. I sat on the couch in the living room and picked up the project I was working on. To deal with the boredom during my free time I had picked the hobby of cross-stitching. Right now I was working on one that featured the family of birds that I had seen the week before. I smiled as I saw the beautiful sight of my work when I started off into my daydreams. I dreamed of a little girl running in the grass being chased by a man who soon picked her up and brought her back home where a woman was waiting with lunch. I laughed and smiled seeing the sight of this and for some off reason I felt happy. My dreams were soon interrupted by a knock on the door which I suspected to be Jack. I excitedly got up and put down my cross-stitch and headed towards the door.

"Lookin beautiful today darlin" Jack said with a smile and taking my hand. His nicknames always made me weak which I hated but thought was sweet.

I blushed and just headed down the steps after locking the door to my townhouse. He took me by the waist and tried kissing my on the lips but I resisted.

"My, my Jack! You just simply can't wait now can you" I giggled.

"Not with a beautiful lady like you I can't" he said finally achieving to get his lips against mine. I finally gave in and melted into his soft, pink lips. 

We walked down the sidewalk wanting to head to the park before we went anywhere else. The first area we headed off to was the pond where we sat on a bench and watched the ducks flap around. We laughed at the ducks flapping around with their family and friends, it was such a wonderful sight to see. I looked to my right to see a mama duck with all her baby ducks and it made me giggle at the wobbling ducklings. 

"Aren't they so cute" Jack said noticing the family of ducks I was looking at

"I suppose" I said smiling but looking down at my hands which were fidgeting with my gloves.

 I felt his gentle hands on my back and the other on my thigh. I looked up to see him smiling at me, oh how could I keep a straight face when this view was right in front of me. I laughed and we head off into the a different area of the park. We came across the cherry blossom trees and I stopped to take a look at them. I soon noticed a man who sat on a bench with art supplies, he looked up at Jack and I and ushered us to come over. We headed over and he asked us to sit down and pose for his painting. I thanked him for the offer but Jack cut my off and sat me down on another bench.

"Jack were going to be late-" I said getting up

"Shhh" he said putting a finger to my mouth and pushing me back down. "Enjoy the view Mary Poppins" he said looking around and tickling my side. I giggled soon hiding it when I saw the man staring at us. I looked around and just took  deep breathe.

"It is indeed marvelous"

"Just like you" Jack said kissing my cheek. I laughed and looked at him in his eyes trying to see what he was getting on. Before I knew it the man was done with his painting and we were off to which is now lunch. He gave us the painting which Jack let me keep since he knew it would go with the decoration in my house.

We finally got to a cafe which was north of London. We sat down and waited as the waitress poured us some tea and set down a few biscuits. I took a sip of my tea which was still hot and looked out the window. I looked back to see Jack staring at me with his soft smile again.

"What?" I ask laughing

"Nothing, Just looking at the best thing in my life." I turned red and smiled while looking back at my tea. I grabbed a bite of my biscuit so I don't become a pile of stomach butterflies. 

"I wonder what you must have looked like as a child. Look at you today I mean you are absolutely stunning. Your parents must have had wonderful genes." I frowned at the comment of my parents and set my biscuit quietly back down on the table. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I looked away back outside. I felt a touch on my hand to reveal Jack gently caressing my palm and smiling lovingly at me. I smiled trying not to cry at the fact that I was feeling many emotions I had never felt before. He grabbed my other hand and we just sat there staring at each other in silence, well that was until Jack finally spoke up.

"The wonderful Mary Poppins" he said bringing his hand to my porcelain cheeks.

"Your check sir?" 

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