Chapter 5: light

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Mary's pov:

       We left the cafe in laughter as our serious conversation was interrupted by the waitress.  We walked on the streets of London for a long time until we finally got to our destination. The Museum. Jack took my hand as we walked in and walked through the lobby. We walked around making up stories for each of the paintings and statues and then seeing what they actually were about. The statues were the hardest to make stories out of since there wasn't much details given. We walked around until we found a large painting of a cottage and a field.

"Wouldn't that be a nice place to live Mary Poppins? Far away and in the countryside where everything is peaceful." Jack said commenting on the painting.

"It wouldn't be a pain to see it now would it?" I said with a smile

Jack looked at me with a smile and looked around to make sure no one was around. I waved my hand and we stepped into the painting. Once we got there we walked towards the cottage until we were stopped by a bird on the tree. 

'Good Mornin Mary Poppins"

I smiled and of course replied since i'm not rude "Good Morning."

The bird flew down onto a the cottage bush. "The name's Gerald, whats yours?" he asked pointing a wind towards Jack.

"Jack, may I ask how you know my Mary Poppins" he said turning his head to me, his tone not of a question. He winked at me and grabbed me by the waist, he knew the answer to the "question" he asked.

"Well who doesn't know the world famous Mary Poppins?" Gerald chuckled. "Off to the cottage I suppose?"

"Well that was where we planned to go, you don't mind showing us around?"

"Not at all!" Gerald replied flying up into the air

We walked down the field and into the village where we were greeted with many smiling faces. The village was astonishing and peaceful. Everyone was so kind and greeted us with hugs or handshakes. Gerald showed us all the little shops and parks around the village. He showed us the hospitals and the main building. The last place he showed us was the beach. 

"One of my favorite places. It's just so calming and to listen to all the people chattering is very interesting. Today is not one of those days sadly where there's lots of people here. But i'll leave you two love birds alone" he winked as he flew off into the sky. I chuckled at this and I took the lead and grabbed Jack's hand. We waled along the shore, running up whenever the water almost hit us. I felt so happy in this moment that nothing else was on my moment, only that Jack was the light in my life. We ran as we chased each other around the shore. He finally got me and he put his head on my shoulder.

"We should head back now since it's getting late" I said looking at my watch

"Oh come on Mary" he said in a childish voice "Just a few more minutes"

"Jack" I said in a serious voice I use for the children. "We must go so we aren't suspected as missing"

"Very well then Mary Poppins" he sighed. He let go of me and we walked up to the village wishing everyone a good evening. We walked through the exit and found the area empty. We finally walked out and headed to the town square where we would sadly depart. Once we got there I saw a women on a bench who was feeding birds with bread. I gasped and smiled as I started running towards the women.

"Where are you going Mary Poppins?" He laughed 

"Follow me Jack!" I smiled as I speed walked towards her now

"WAIT MARY POPPINS!" was the last thing I heard before it went black


A/N: Sorry this is such a short chapter but I hope you guys are enjoying the story!

-Rosielle <3

Lonely (Mary Poppins x Jack)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora