Ch. 10

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Uwu! Omg I didn't realize that it deleted a whole chapter. So now I have to rewrite it.

Namjoon Pov

I heard beeping. Boy was it annoying and making my headache worse. I opened my eyes but couldn't see anything. I blinked and my eyesight was blurry but it was back.

I looked around to see that I was in a hospital bed with an I.V drop attached to my hands. Also there was something in my mouth. I think it was helping me breath. But then I pulled it out of my mouth gagging as it tickled the back of my throat. I ripped to I.V out and threw it in the floor. I pulled cord out from my shirt and winced when I realized they were glued to my chest. Suddenly a nurse busted through the door.

"You're awake! I thought you died! That young lady would be devastated." The nurse said bee and panicking.

"Young lady? Miss what are you talking about? Who is it?" I said as I racked my brain trying to remember a young lady.

"The young girl who came and visited you everyday. Do you not remember? Oh well, that happens when you first wake up. I'll have Dr. Park give her a call." She rambled

She turned around and walked out the door. I say up in my bed quickly and felt dizzy. I fell back against the pillow trying to remember who that girl was. Suddenly a hazy picture appeared in my head. I turned my head to grab the glass that was on the side table. But as I looked I found a framed picture with an outfit in it. Along with a note that say under it. I read it:

Dear Namjoon,

If you are reading this then you are awake finally. I miss you so much there is so many things I need to tell you. Come to this address and I will explain. XX-XX Maple street.

'Why would I get a note from someone and I'm not sure if I should go to the address.' I thought to myself. Dr. Park came in breaking my thoughts.

"Hello Mr. Kim, I just need to run a few tests before we release you. Is that okay? Or do you need more time?" He said with a smile.

"Speaking of time, what's the date.?" I said telling like I was asleep forever.

"June 12, 2022."

"2022! That means I was in a coma for 2 years?"

"Yes sir." Dr. Park ran some tests after that and cleared me for leave. I got my belonging and changed into a clean pair of clothes. Cause I was in a hospital gown. I took the note and the picture with me. I the called a taxi and had him take to the address. I paid him and thanked him as well. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door. As soon as the door opened I remembered everything! The day of the accident and the girl! This must be who the nurse was talking about. She was holding a baby in her arms. We stood staring at each other for a few minutes and suddenly she fell to the floor.


Im so sorry this didn't post! I didn't realize it wasn't up. Please forgive me!!

That One Pictureजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें