Chapter 14

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              "So your sleeping with another nigga and your husband knows about it? Girl what type of Jada and August shit y'all own?" Treasure asked as her Jai, Izzy, and Morgan sat at the diner table eating. They all started laughing and Jai had to catch her breath. "Okay me and Rafael is not in a entanglement. I'm playing him for Dimitri." Jai said and Izzy faced twisted up. "Jai You mean to tell me your doing this for my brother? Why exactly?" She asked asking the question everyone wanted to ask. Jai sighed. "Because Dimitri wants information. And before I started sleeping with Rafael I had just found out Dimitri had cheated on me. So I don't know. But to be honest I do it for Dimitri." She said and Morgan shot back her shot. 

     "Jai your willing to anything for Dimitri but he won't do the same shit for you. I mean yes he loves you we all know that but have you ever thought about the risks he would take for you?" Izzy asked and Jai chuckled. "No I haven't because I never made it to where he had to do all the hard work and get his hands dirty. If I was to come back pregnant with Rafael's baby he would leave me high and dry but wants me to do this fuck shit. God! I need some drinks. I need to party." She said as realization started to hit her. "Count me in!" Morgan cheered and Treasure joined. "Ima drop y'all off and go get in bed this baby is kicking my ass." Izzy said and they all nodded and stood up each pulling out two dubs placing them on the table. 

    The three girls where already dressed to kill. Jai in a short red dress with noddle straps and black high heels. Her hair straight down and make up well done. Morgan in a Royal blue dress that stopped pass her knee with a slit up the side and it was strapless she wore white heels and her hair in a slick back ponytail. Treasure dressed in a short Black short that showed her curves off and a good amount of breasts, She wore her long hair down in curls and some black pumps. They all walked up the line to the bouncer. "Mrs. Santos. I haven't seen Mr. Santos tonight." The bouncer said clearly confused. "He won't be coming excuse me." She said and he nodded and opened the rope for her to go in. 

      They all went to the bar. "Jai what can I get you tonight?" Daniel the gay bartender asked. "A sex on the beach with six shots of vodka please." She said and he nodded and fixed her drinks then Morgan and Treasure's. "You off tonight Treasure why you here?" One of the strippers asked hate written all over her face. "Move along blues clues she's here because I'm here get the fuck on." Jai said and the girl looked like she wanted to say something but bit her tongue knowing Jai was not to be fucked with and walked off. "Well. Well. Well. Look at what the cat dragged in. Where's Dimitri?" India asked walking towards Jai causing Jai to sigh. "India. Look I dont know why your mad. I to be honest don't give a fuck. If you wanna fuck Dimitri trust me he will let you. I'm not tripping. Wear a condom be safe." Jai said and walked off with her drinks. 

      The three girls drunk their lives away and danced to every song with who ever was close to them. They where having fun until of course. Dimitri, Mecca and Monroe walked in. "The fuck? Get your hands off my girl nigga." Dimitri said walking towards Jai. The boy got bold. "Or what?" He aske and Dimitri drew his gun. "Or I'll blow your fucking brains out. Jai'Nia get yo motherfucking ass in the car." He said angrily to her and she rolled her eyes and walked to Morgan. "Mo! Did Monroe get you too?" She asked drunkily. They laughed. "Yeah where Tresse?" Morgan asked and Treasure voice was heard behind them. "Girlsss! Save a big fine man trying to take me vagina!" She said in a pirate voice causing Jai and Morgan to laugh. They followed Mecca and Treasure out the club. 

     "Put her down you big Giant!" Jai yelled hitting Mecca with her purse. Just then Dimitri came pulling her to the car. "Ima fuck yo ass up. The fuck where you thinking coming to the club? Getting drunk letting motherfuckers touch all on you? DO YOU KNOW HOW THIS MAKES ME LOOK JAI'NIA? Huh?" He yelled and she sighed. "FUCK YOU DIMITRI! FUCK WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT! YOU RISK MY LIFE EVERY FUCKING DAY FOR YOUR OWN PLEASURE! I'M SPENDING LESS TIME WITH MY CHILDREN BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOUR SELFISH ASS WAYS! You got me in this shit Dimitri not me!" She yelled back causing him to grow even more angry. "I COULD'VE LEFT YOUR BUM ASS IN THAT APARTMENT! To get raped by another white old motherfucker. But I saved you and you gone show me some fucking respect Jai'Nia. You would be slutted out if I hadn't saved you. I have every right to do whatever the fuck I wanna do with you because  I MADE YOU! I love your dumb ass to fucking death! You think I want you involved in this shit? You think I want you to be like me? I DON'T! I took you out of one hell into another and I'm sorry for that. But your ass will show me some fucking respect because Ive earned it. Learn your fucking place." He growled forgetting who he was talking to. 

     "Motherfucker you talking like you can't lose me! You didn't make shit Dimitri. I made me for you! Yeah you could've left my bum ass! You could've left me to die but you didn't. I have taken your shit for 5 years Dimitri! If anyone should be showing a motherfucker some respect is you to me! I lost my baby because of you! My son was fucking Kidnapped because of you! My fucking son was stabbed because of your bullshit! I was shot and went into a coma for you! I have sacrifice a whole lot more than you! At the end of the road? I will be the motherfucker in a casket not you!" She yelled and he looked at her pain written all over his face. "Your right I'm sorry Jai." He said reaching for her but she snatched away. "Don't fucking touch me Dimitri. Just take me home. I wanna see my kids." She said getting in the car. He felt his heart shatter he knew he had to make this right. He had to server his ties. He got in the car he was about to do something he should have done a long time ago.

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