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We interlock hands then met up with the boys. "What do we have going on here?" Zayn pointing to our hands that were interlocked. "Oh nothing!" I pulled my hand away from Lou's, he looked at me with hurting in his eyes. My eyes flew over to Harry's direction and saw that he was tearing up. He wiped them away trying not to make a scene or be suspicious."Hey why don't we try to remove all this awkwardness and go see a movie tonight?" Niall said basically jumping up and down like a 4 year old that has a sugar high. "Sorry lads Bella and I already have plans but we appreciate the thought though." Lou grabbed my hand when he was done speaking. "What? Y'all have a date or something?" Harry said in a rude tone and avoided eye contact with either one of us. "No I wouldn't call-" "Whatever. Have fun." Harry then stormed off, Niall and Liam looked at him then back at us then left to go check on him

Zayn then came up to us, gave us a disappointed look, and said "Whatever y'all are planning it need to stop because it could risk the end of this band." Then he walked off leaving Lou and I standing there in complete silence. "Maybe he's right," I said looking down. Zayn is true about this and risk of them losing their jobs. " I don't wanna be the reason your career ends." Lou then cups my cheeks in the palms of his hands. "No you wouldn't ruin a thing, we could keep this a secret but I don't want you to leave or be out of my life because I couldn't live without you." "Lou," I gasp in a surprised way and flashed a little smile.

He takes my hand and smiles, "Come on let's go on our date because the food isn't gonna eat itself." I laugh and the hugged his arm then made our way to the car. *At the restaurant* Lou flagged down a waiter and they waited us to our table. I guess he are ready made reservations. "Do you see anything you like to eat?" I looked down at the menu and HOLY COW!! All the food was really expensive. "Lou, everything is so expensive! I can't let you do that." He laughed and I looked at him confused. "Darling its okay, I have enough money. I guess that's a pro of being in a band." We order our food and waited. Lou decided to ask me a question, "I know this is stupid but do you like me?"

I laughed and looked in his deep blue eyes. "Oh course I like you, I haven't felt this was about someone in a long time." A little time past by then our food arrived. Lou decide to eat chicken parm and I just order spaghetti. we were laughing and getting to know each other but then someone walked in. Someone I never thought I would ever see again.

How did he even find me?

word count - 515

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