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Harry's Pov

I can't believe she would do that to me but that's her decision. Niall picked up I was upset and ended up hugging me. I stood for a second then hugged him back but then I started to cry. That should've been me not Louis. "Haz why don't we go and grab the guitar then head to the roof for some music?" I thought about it for a minute then nodded.

*On the roof top*

Niall was playing around on the guitar and I was zoned out, staring into the stars. "What's going on mate? You aren't your-" "Nothing is wrong Niall!" I continue to look deeply into the stars, avoiding Niall's direction. "Haz I know when you are upset, what's bugging you man?" I start to tear up, "It's Bella, Niall." He then puts his hand on my shoulder, "What about her?" I collect myself together and told him, "Her and Lou are sleeping together. The problem is that I like Bella." I look up, he wasin complete shocked and then brought me into a hug. "Well why not write it into a song? Like you know, express how you feel." Niall has a point, I could do that.

*A few moments later*

Bella's Pov

I woke up and decided to check my phone, holy sh*t it's 3am. I look over to see a peacefully, sleeping boy next to me. I should get going but I don't wanna leave. I try to move and as soon as I get out of his grip, he grabs me again. Ugh this is harder then it needed to be. I did it again and put a pillow in my place, luckily it work. I slipped out the door and pull out my phone to text Harry.

To: Haz :) From: Bella

Hey Haz, could you unlock the door for me? Pwease

To: Bella <3 From: Haz

I'm not there.

To: Haz :) From: Bella

Ok, So where are you? I'd like to talk.

Harry Pov

"Sh!t," I threw my hand on my head and Niall looked at me confuesd. "What's wrong Har?" "Bella wants to know where I'm at and wants to talk." Niall laughed, "Bro this is perfect because you could sing the song to here that we made! Invite her dude!" Niall has a point, I could get to sing her the song since its basically about her.

To: Bella <3 From: Haz

I'm on the roof, Niall is also with me. Also there is something I'd like to show you."

Bella Pov

Niall is there too? Well that defeats the pont of talking to him in private but its okay I guess, I mean its Nialler lol.

To: Haz:) From: Bella

Okie dokie! I'll be there in a couple minutes!!

*Time skip*

I arrive to the roof and the first thing I see is Niall with a guitar, I'm guessing they got bored or they wrote something for the band's new music. "Hey." They turned around and came over to me. "Hey Bellatron," Niall said laughing and brought me into a hug. I laughed and hugged him back. That's new lmao, he's never called me that. "Hey bella..." Harry said looking at me and hugged me. "So what is this thing you have? I bet it's music since Nialler has the guitar out." They both looked at each other and laughed. "What gave it away Bellatron," Niall continued to laugh. I swear these boys are something different.

Niall started to play the guitar and started singing,

"Down to earth keep 'em falling when I know it hurts, Going faster than a million miles an hour trying to catch my breath some way somehow. Down to earth it's like I'm frozen, but the world still turns stuck in motion, but the wheels keep spinning 'round moving in reverse with no way out."

Harry gets situated to start singing

"And now I'm one step closer to being , Two steps far from you and everybody wants you, Everybody wants you." Harry says looking into my eyes.Then they started to sing together.

"How many nights does it take to count the stars?That's the time it would take to fix my heart. Oh, baby, I was there for you. All I ever wanted was the truth, yeah, yeah. How many nights have you wished someone would stay? Lay awake only hoping they're okay, I never counted all of mine. If I tried, I know it would feel like infinity. Infinity, infinity, yeah Infinity."

What is going on with me, am I getting butterfiles? NO NO! This isn't possible!! I like Lou not Harry. I couldn't handle it anymore and ran off without saying anything.

Maybe I do have feelings for Harry...

word count - 835


Hey guys! I know I haven't really updated the story for a bit and I am absolutely sorry! I will try to post another part soon! Until then, I love every single one of you beautiful people and TPWK!!!! <3

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