Chapter 9: He Gets Angry?

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All the pups stayed asleep, most of them in their beds. While Chase and Marshall had fallen asleep beside the window. Ryder rose up in the elevator and entered the top of the Lookout at roughly 9:00am. Majority of the pups woke up to the sound of their leader's footsteps, except the best friends. 

"Morning pups." Ryder greeted as he approached the large screen. The group of pups yawned and stretched as Ryder turned to face them with a smile but the smile dropped when he didn't see the police pup and firefighter pup with them. Rocky pointed towards the other side of the room. Ryder followed his gaze and his smile returned. He went over to the larger group of pups and sat down. "When did they go over there?" He asked. 

"Not sure. Some time after we all fell asleep. So, pretty late I'd say." Rubble suggested. 

"I haven't seen them sleep like that in a while." Ryder pointed out as he observed Chase and Marshall again. They slept right next to each other with their heads almost touching. "Last time was when Marshall hurt himself falling over his toy hose when he was a baby. Even though Chase was a baby as well, he instantly went over to Marshall and helped him out. They slept next to each other for days after that." Ryder recalled the memory. 

"They've been friends for a long time." Zuma acknowledged. 

"Do you have any other stories about Chase and Marshall?" Skye asked. 

"I remember one time, Marshall was taken from outside the Lookout while playing tag with Chase." The pups gasped. "Chase called out to me and ran after the man without a second thought. While I was running after them, I assume he attacked the man. He dropped Marshall and the police met him a little later after I called them. They mentioned he had a dog bite on the bottom of his leg." 

"Wow! I never knew Chase did that!" Skye exclaimed. 

"He attacked him? I've never seen him angry, I sure would've liked to see that!" Zuma laughed. 

"It's true. If anything happened to Marshall, or you guys, Chase would be on the case in a heartbeat." Ryder mentioned Chase's normal line, which caused the others to laugh. "I'd never seen him run so fast."

"He's going to be a great police dog." Rubble admitted. Ryder looked back to Chase who slept soundlessly against his best friend and smiled.

"Yeah. He will."


Chase yawned and looked around. Everyone else had left, except Marshall. Marshall continued to softly snore. Chase rolled his eyes and nudged him, causing Marshall to snort and sit up quickly. 

"I didn't eat the treats, it was Zuma!" He said in a rush. Chase laughed. 

"Marshall, the others are gone. You think they're on a mission?" Chase asked anxiously and he looked around the Lookout. His head spun back to search through the window. Bandage wraps covered his injured body. 

"I don't know, they're probably playing outside." Marshall suggested as he yawned and tried to go back to sleep. Chase slowly stood up and started to walk. 

"Let's go then- woah!" He began before he fell when he stood on his injured paw. Marshall had caught him from falling by letting Chase lean on him. 

"How about I help. I may be clumsy, but not today. I'm your personal helper!" Marshall exclaimed and rose Chase slowly. "That way, we can go outside without you getting hurt. Well, anymore." Chase glared playfully at him and Marshall laughed nervously. They walked into the elevator and reached the bottom. They walked out as Chase leaned slightly on Marshall. 

"Chase!" Rocky exclaimed, causing all the other pups to stop their games and run over to Chase and Marshall. 

"You're finally up! It's already lunchtime." Rubble laughed. 

"Explains why I'm so hungry." Chase pointed out and straightened himself up a little more. "Where's Ryder?" He asked. 

"He's in town with the mayor. Want us to go get you guys some food?" Skye suggested. 

"That'd be great, thanks!" Chase appreciated the offer. Marshall smiled, as his thanks. They walked over to a tree and sat in the shade while Skye and Zuma retrieved some food for them. Chase wanted to try to walk by himself today. And no matter how much pain he had to endure, the young pup was going to succeed. 

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