Chapter 1

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Fiona was sitting on her desk, chatting with her twin sister, Regina. They go to Wonder Star Academy, the special and least to say expensive school in the country. The twins are very different in looks, hobbies and personalities. Because their parents are famous, they're very popular in school. Although Regina sometimes overshadows Fiona sometimes. Fiona doesn't let that bother her because she prefers to be alone, and only hangs out with her sister and their best friend Brianna. Although very polite to the crowd, she specifically hates one boy. One rebel, one annoying, disturbing, mean little brat. His name was Shane Moon.

"So, then Brian told me my hair looked nice today, Do you think it's a compliment or is he really into me?" asked Regina.

"Don't ask me, I've never had the experience." said Fiona, while looking at her nails.

"You're right, I'm going to ask Brianna instead." said Regina, as she went in her direction.

Fiona sighed. This is always her sister, talking about boys and clothes and stuff that Fiona could hardly ever care about. She started to prepare for class, when a boy pushed her books on the floor. Fiona looked up and saw Shane smirking as he passed her.

"Sorry." he said, mocking her voice.

"You, you did that on PURPOSE!" said Fiona, while picking up her books.

"You got any proof? I didn't think so." said Shane walking to his desk. Fiona rolled her eyes and sighed. She'll deal with him later, as their teacher entered the classroom.

"Good morning, class." said their teacher, Mrs. Alzetta as she put her stuff on the table.

"Good morning." the class replied in unison.

"We are going to do something very special today, that will be worth the rest of your grade this term." said Mrs. Alzetta. "This class is going to have a project called "The Pretend Marriages."

The class looked very confused. They start to whisper among each other.

"Now, now I know you are all confused, but this project will help you gain patience, respect and dignity." said Mrs. Alzetta. "You will marry a fellow student in this class, and experience the life of an adult, such as marriage, jobs and children."

The class, slowly sinking the news into their brains, started to complain and get frantic.

"Now, I know alot of you do not like this idea," continued Mrs. Alzetta. "But this is a project you need to know, and if I hear any complaints or someone not doing this, then that student will get 0 on their term mark, he or she will not be able to graduate, and may get suspended from Wonder Star Academy."

The class suddenly grew quiet. One student raised his hand.

"Yes? Friar?" asked Mrs. Altezza

"I don't think I'll be allowed to do this project." he said. "My parents will never allow me to do such-"

"Do not worry, I already have confirmed this with the headmaster, and all of your parents. They seem to agree, and besides this wasn't my idea, it was the headmaster's." said Mrs. Alzetta.

"Now, you will share a house with your fellow spouse until the end of June, so after this you will go back to your dorm rooms and bring all your belongings to that house." said Mrs. Alzetta.

The class started to complain again, but Mrs. Alzetta didn't want anymore complaints or she will fail the whole class altogether.

"Now, I have already picked your partners for you, but to make this project fun, I will let you find your own partners by giving you clues, so will everyone please line up."

The class begrudgingly lined up while Mrs. Alzetta gave each of them a clue card with their names labeled on it.

Fiona and Regina took both their cards and read their first clue.

"I have to go to the Meadow by the school, what about you?" asked Fiona.

"I have to go to the jewlery store, ohh I really hope I get someone good, what if I get Brian?!" squealed Regina.

Fiona sighed. All her sister can think about is Brian Jewels. She decided to make her way to the meadow, searching for her next clue.

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