Don't go: Part 8

718 28 6

I will save him


It's been a week and they think they've finally got his coordinates. 

If they haven't-

No, that's not an option. 

They're not sure where this place is.

Stupid humans. 

But I know.

Oh, do I know.

It's all I needed.

All I had to know.

I can already feel him.

His heart beat pulsing in my ears.

I will save him. 

I will.




This place is dark. 

Darker than expected. 

It's small.

Small and damp and-


I can feel it's emotion ripping through my chest and piercing my thudding heart- it fills my head with thoughts of death and pain and it does not go away. 


It doesn't bother me. 

I have only one thing on my mind.




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