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Moonlight pours into the car as I speed down the east coast. I didn't know how long I was driving for until I reached North Carolina. We had stopped only four times to pee and get something to snack on. Those breaks were only five minutes at the most before I was rushing Alana back into the car. I wanted to get to the destination as fast as possible. There was a safe house that no one knew about out in the middle of nowhere, no one would come looking for us, but it was going to take another day of driving until I got there. Alana is sleeping soundly in the passenger seat; she is curled into a ball with her hair hiding her face from me. My phone buzzes but I let it go to voicemail because I couldn't be distracted until I pulled into a safe place.

It had been a stressful day, so far. Alana wasn't too happy that I left everyone behind but she had came to terms with my decision later on. My head pounded from the frustration of everything and trying to make split second decision. I was good at them but it didn't make it any less stressful to have to do them. Especially when I was so extremely tired. I could barely see the road in the darkness as I drove under a series of trees.

I could've headed to Chicago. But the idea of bringing this drama down on everyone's heads was something I didn't want to do. It was my problem and my problem only therefore I needed to deal with it. I needed to face Scotty Fraiser on my own. It was my mafia that he threatened, my fiancée that he threatened, regardless of the fact that he threatened me.

"I want a bed, Francesca." Alana groaned as she shifted in her seat. "This seat is not meant for sleeping."

I laugh softly before rubbing circles on her knee with my thumb, "The snoring you've been doing says otherwise."

"Shut up." She grumbles before shoving my hand away.

"Alright, Angel, you want a bed? You got it."

Alana murmured something unkind about me calling her Angel but I couldn't quite make it out. Instead she pulled out her phone to type in something. I watched the empty road for a sign but it was pretty vacant of anything. "The next hotel is an hour away!"

"We are in the middle of nowhere." I deadpanned.

She crosses her arms. "Don't be rude."

"Go back to sleep and before you know it, we'll be there." I sigh before rubbing at my eyes. They were burning from the lack of sleep.

Alana looked at me in concern. I could see it in even when there was practically no lights other than my high beams and the moonlight. "I can drive the last hour."

"And risk getting there tomorrow? No I'm good."

"I don't even drive slow, butthole."

"You most definitely give off the impression that you go under the speed limit."

"Do not!" She laughed with a roll of her eyes. "I go the speed limit."

"Ugh! The speed limit is a suggestion, not final." I argue with her logic of going the speed limit.

Alana pushed my arm as she scoffed. "It is the law to go what the sign says, is that what you're going to tell the cops when you get pulled over?"

"I'm not getting pulled over." I boast. "Clean record, thank you very much."

"Just because you don't get caught, doesn't mean you haven't broken the law."

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