Chapter 31

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Hwasa: Yoongi I have an idea, it might give us some evidence for Y/n.

After Hwasa said that

The door opened, our eyes widen when we see who was standing there.

It was....... Jungkook

Yoongi&Hwasa: Jungkook

Yoongi: Jungkook what are you doing here?

Jungkook: I knew I felt something suspicious, when you entered my room, but now I think I'm correct.


Jungkook: are you going against our family, trying to help the girl, who destroyed my brother's happiness.

Yoongi: jungkook its not what it looks li-

Jungkook: What is it hyung! You have changed ever since hwasa had that outraged in the party, I thought you would be angry, but you became the complete opposite. You always miss our important missions and meeting. HYUNG TELL ME WHY YOU ARE DOING THIS!


Jungkook: w-what

Yoongi: have you ever thought that Y/n never gave a reason for why she did this,
If she didn't do this, then Jimin wouldn't be alive right now, and we would still be living miserable.

Jungkook: what do you mean.

Hwasa: I'll tell you, but you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone, especially Jimin, just not yet.

Jungkook nodded.

Hwasa told everything to Jungkook, about Jackson, Mr park, y/n pregnancy, and even that Jennie is alive and what happened that she had to act dead.

Jungkook became speechless, he sat down, trying to comprehend the information he got.

Yoongi then place a hand on Jungkook shoulder.

Yoongi: please Jungkook, we need help.

Jungkook: why didn't you tell me earlier.

Hwasa: because y/n didn't want us to, until she finds evidence to prove it.

Jungkook: I'll help.

They all smile and do a group hug.

Next day

Hwasa, Jungkook, and Yoongi, go to have a meeting in the assassin base.

Jin watched them leave the house.

Jin: First Yoongi, now Jungkook, what are they planning.

RM: what was that hyung * while looking at his files*

Jin: nothing.....

Y/n was in shock seeing Jungkook here, Yoongi explained why they told Jungkook as they got caught.
Y/n understood.

Jungkook: I'm sorry Y/n

Y/n: i forgive you,
You did this for your brother like Yoongi.

Jungkook smiled and hugged her

Jennie: okay enough with the sweet moments, but we really need to think of a plan right now.

Jungkook: omg, I forgot Jennie was alive.

Jennie giggled.

Hwasa: I was telling yoongi, that there are cctv cameras in the house, Y/n can that help in anything we need?

Y/n: wait a second is there a cctv camera In the main hall, near the kitchen.

Yoongi: yes.

Y/n: Can I see it.

Jungkook grabs a laptop, and hacks into the cctv cameras, and was trying to find old footage.

Y/n: wait wait, stop, rewind to that.*points at the computer screen*

They found the footage  of jennie getting a phone call, crying silently.

Jennie: that was my phone call with jackson when he was threatening me.

After jennie confirms it was jackson , they also find another footage of y/n getting a phone call from jackson.

Yoongi: do you think this is enough evidence.

Y/n: its enough, I already have some evidence against Jackson.

Chanyeol: but now we need to find evidence against Mr park.

2 days later

everyone gathers to come up with a plan.

Y/n: where is Hwasa

Yoongi: she is on her way.

They all were finding it difficult to find evidence to expose Mr park since he is too powerful, that even Jungkook and Yoongi couldn't think of anything.

All of the sudden they heard a voice, they didn't expect.

??: I will help you my daughter

Y/n: Dad........

Little did they know how big of an impact this help would give.

Sorry guys for a slow update,  but I'm back.. 

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