Chapter Bakugo

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A/n this chapter is stupidly long compared to the rest. I didn't want to split it into two because I thought there wouldn't be enough but I was wrong, and it's nearly 2000 words, most of which are dialogue. You can skip it, it's not really important or anything, I just wanted to make fun of these characters.

"Guys!" Sokka rushed up to the gang. "There's a play about us!"

He held up a poster with Aang, Sokka and Katara on it, and Zuko's recognisable face as the background.

"I don't know. People might recognise us. We're already on thin ice, staying in the Firelord's personal holiday home." Katara said. Since her and Zuko had made up, they'd moved locations to Ember Island, where the royal family used to come on holiday.

"I told you, no one's come here since my family was actually happy. Which is a hell of a long time." he said, earning a scoff from Bakugo.

"Depressing much?"

"I think we should go. If anyone asks why we look like... us, we can just say we're in costume!" Sokka said excitably.

The heroes were curious to see what happened before they arrived, especially with Zuko.

"It wouldn't hurt to go see it. If anything, it could help!" Kirishima pointed out. He was possibly the most intruiged - he wanted background on Azula, Mai and Ty Lee.


"Shhh, the curtains are opening!" Katara whispered. She'd caved in after Sokka and Kirishima begged. Zuko wasn't happy. He claimed that the Ember Island Players - the theatre troup putting on the play - butchered Love Amongst the Dragons every year he was forced to see it with his Mom. Bakugo was also displeased; he'd have to stay quiet for more than a minute.

Midoriya watched in anticipation as he watched actor Sokka and Katara paddling a canoe on stage.

They seemed thrilled to see an interpretation of themselves on stage, however the actors hadn't opened their mouths yet.

"Oh, Sokka, my only brother! We constantly roam these lonely seas, yet we never find anything... Fulfilling!" actor Katara cried with overly dramatic motions and tone.

"All I want is a full feeling in my stomach; I'm starving!" actor Sokka replied, looking out into the audience waiting for a reaction.

Everyone laughed aside from the gang. Sokka and Katara were horrified.

"Is food the only thing on your mind?" 'Katara' asked, just as over the top as her previous line.

"I'm trying to get it out of my mind, and into my mouth!" actor Sokka replied, once again waiting for the audience to respond.

"This is ridiculous! My jokes are way funnier than this!" the real Sokka exclaimed.

Real Katara watched herself give a second whiney speach about the hopelessness of the world when a giant blue sphere rolled onto stage, presumably an iceberg.

The silhouette of what was clearly Aang could be seen from behind it.

"It appears to be someone frozen in ice! Perhaps for 100 years! Water bending slice, hiya!" the 'iceberg' cracked down the middle, and a small woman jumped out wearing a bald cap and traditional Air Nomad colours.

"I'm the Avatar, here to spread joy and fun!" actor Aang said, leaping about the stage.

Aang looked humiliated.

"Is that a woman playing me?" he said, leaning forward, as if he was trying to see that it wasn't.

"My heart is so full of hope that it's making me tearbend!" actor Katara cried while gripping onto 'Aang's' leg and crying.

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