Chapter Kuroiro

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"You okay?" Midoriya asked the others as they prepared for Zuko's coronation a day later.

He and Kirishima managed to get out of the war rather unscathed. Todoroki was mostly fine with a few burns here and there. Bakugo was the most injured, being in crutches - he was told not to stand up too much though (he ignored this instruction as much as he could).

"I've never taken this long to be healed before. It sucks ass." he complained.

"Remember to thank Recovery Girl next time we see her." Kirishima laughed, helping Bakugo up.

They met up with Katara and Sokka in the plaza who were standing next to their dad and the Kyoshi Warriors.

"You guys look great!" Katara said, giving each of them a hug. They were wearing outfits that had been styled to look like their hero costumes, however they matched the clothes of the rest of the world better.

The crowd quietened down as the curtains at the front opened. Zuko appeared, donned in ceremonial robes, his hair tied back. The Fire Sages struck the gongs for a final time while the crowd cheered to him.

"Please. The real hero is the Avatar." Zuko spoke once the crowd was silent again. Aang walked out of the Palace, triggering another round of applause.

"Today this war is finally over! I promised my uncle that I would restore the honor of the Fire Nation. And I will. The road ahead of us is challenging. A hundred years of fighting has left the world scarred and divided. But with the Avatar's help, we can get it back on the right path and begin a new era of love and peace." he knelt down, ready to be crowned the new Firelord.

A Fire Sage approached him from behind, holding a flashy golden hairpin. He places the pin into his hair, making it official.

"All hail Firelord Zuko!" he said as Zuko stood up. The crowed screamed, celebrating their new Firelord and their new world.


"Well done, Zuko!" everyone congratulated him when they met up after the coronation.

"Thanks guys, but you know I wouldn't be here without you too." he said, giving out hugs to everyone (Bakugo couldn't protest properly since he was injured).

"Speaking of not being here, how is your lightening wound holding up? You're lucky to have survived that." Todoroki asked.

"It's fine, definitely going to scar though. What's another one gonna do?" he chuckled slightly at the reply, leaving everyone else kind of shocked that he'd make a joke like that.

Just then, a girl with a relatively plain expression and black hair tied into two buns walked in.

"Hey." she said.

"Mai!" Kirishima recognised her as the girl who saved them at the Boiling Rock - Zuko's girlfriend.

"This is Mai." Zuko introduced her to the gang. "Mai, this is Aang, Katara, Sokka, Suki, Toph, Todoroki, Midoriya, Kirishima and Bakugo."

She gave a small wave to them before she left with Zuko.

Suki and Sokka also left - they wanted to spend time together at the festival that had been thrown in honour of the coronation and end of the war.

Toph was excited to snoop around the Palace, which she dragged Bakugo and Kirishima off to do. Katara followed them to make sure they didn't get into too much trouble. They couldn't get banished from the Fire Nation less than a day after they were allowed back in it. Todoroki followed just to watch Katara try to keep them in line.

"Midoriya?" Aang said once everyone had gone. "How are you going to get home?"

"I think... I think the lion turtle gave me the power when it gave you the power to take bending away." Midoriya answered. "Quite frankly, I don't want to go back just yet. There's still so much to see!"

"Is there no one you miss?" Aang sat down next to him.

"There are my friends, Uraraka and Iida, and my mom and All Might. I can still speak to All Might, but I haven't seen the rest of them in ages." Midoriya thought of his life back in Japan. It seemed closer than ever but still so far away.

"Maybe if you have the ability to leave, you'll keep the ability to switch between worlds, and you can visit whenever you want." Aang suggested hopefully.

"When I pass on my power, I wonder if they'll have it as well." Midoriya went to write it down before being stopped by Aang.

"If you do, I hope you visit us again, and I hope to meet your successor as well." he smiled before they joined the others at the festival.

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