Chapter 8: Re(Union)

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One Week Later

She looked beautiful, there had been no other way to put it. Even more beautiful than she had been on any other day, in every other moment. It ran through his head, continuously.

Mason had entered the main hall of the mansion, the venue of the evening, situated in the solitary, yet welcoming hills of the Western Cape Winelands. Grandeur was the name of the game on that night, as chandeliers lit up the spacious room, themed with gold and black dressed tables and chairs, sparkling silverware shined through the room, accented by a bounty of tasteful flowers. Butlers served as waiters and runners, and a local favourite jazz band spoiled the guests as they brought life to old classics.

He was way out of his comfort zone, Tyler had realised, and it showed. It had felt too awkward standing on one spot, and sitting down at a vacant seat next to five, six magnificent strangers wouldn't have been much better. So he walked about, back and forth, staring at things he didn't really look at. As the band finished one ballad, he joined everyone in applause, before sticking his hands back in his pockets and carrying on with his mission to wander around, aimlessly. Thankfully, it didn't last.

He found her, or she found him while he had been gazing upon an image, one that had actually managed to sincerely capture his interest. A picture, tainted but spirited, faded yet vibrant, of a bride and a groom, happy as can be. It had been captioned; Just Married.

"Fifty years ago! Can you believe it?" Emily said from behind. By then, her voice seemed all too familiar for Mason to second guess.

"It's amazing, really." He said, still staring at the photograph. And then, what he would come to remember as one of the most breathtaking moments of his life, along with the day he first laid eyes on her, Tyler turned around and saw Emily Lombard for the first time that night. Radiant, brighter than the shimmer of her embracing, pastel pink dress. Everything was perfect, she looked perfect. From her white heels that complimented her pearl bracelet, to her dolled up blonde hair. And yet, it was the eyes that drew him in.

"And speaking of amazing," she said. Tyler fought to come back down to earth and listen, as she continued. "I see you finally decided to dress up for an occasion, Mister Mason." And in deed he had; black tuxedo. White shirt. Formal shoes. "Yes, and thanks to you for sending it through with your parents."

"You look nice," she complimented. "Handsome, actually."

"Thank you. And look at you, Miss Lombard." Emily writhed around with embarrassment.

"Oh, do I really look okay?" With as much sincerity as he felt inside, he said, "You look beautiful, Emily." The compliment added a little bit of blush to her make-up, and brought peace and comfort to her fretful smile. Many eyes had been following Emily, impressed by her appearance. She didn't realise, but Tyler did.

"Aaaw, Tyler." It seemed almost too much, coming from him. "You're sweet. Thank you. And thank you again for being here. How was the ride up with my mom and dad?" Emily and Tyler began walking, slowly.

"It wasn't bad at all, actually."

"Oh, you're just saying that."

Tyler laughed. "No, I'm not."

"Really?" She was surprised. "Maybe it's because I wasn't there. I would have been so worried about my dad humiliating me, sharing old baby stories and stuff like that."

"I thought that was your mom's job."

"Yes, but that goes without saying." She claimed. Mason smiled and replied, "I know." Lombard immediately stopped her step in mid-stride, so much so that she had to keep herself from falling forward. "You know?" She frantically asked, and grabbed onto Tyler. "Oh lord, what did she tell you?

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