Chapter 14: Hope (Part 2) and Epilogue

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South Africa, Western Cape. The extravagant penthouse of one of the tallest buildings in the heart of Cape Town. This was the exit point of the warp that George, Kyle, Tracy, Ryan, Emily and Tracy stepped out of. The first time teleporters, more unsteady and uneasy than George and Tyler. Emily and Tyler shared an embrace, and Tracy and Ryan, doing the same, Happy to all be safe.

"Tyler!" The first word heard as they reached the inside of the building. It was Jamie, who immediately ran up to Tyler Mason, hugging him firmly with her head pushed against his abdomen, thrilled to see his face.

"Jamie, oh, I'm so glad you're okay." Tyler commented, with his arms around her, staring at his surroundings.

"Miss Emily!" Jamie then followed up, letting go and moving to hug Emily. The new entrees of the room all peered around, staring at a dimly lit, lavish hotel like penthouse of the finest quality, housing all of the children of the now burnt down New Hope Orphanage, seated in a sunken style living room, most seated on the floor, continuing to watch the animated movie that had been put onto the giant television for them. Being supervised by the caregivers of New Hope. Emily hugged Jamie back as well, happy to know that George had safely removed everyone before any physical harm could come to them.

"Missus Gouldlite!" Tyler quickly mentioned.

"She's okay," One of the adults in the living room answered. "Probably resting in one of the other rooms."

"George, where are we?" Tyler asked, moving on after knowing that Mrs. Gouldlite was safe.

"Me penthouse, Tyler. Well, to avoid any confusion let's just stick to that answer for now." He replied. "The top three floors are mine." The apartment housed fifteen bedrooms, all spaces decked out expensively with sophisticated furniture and amenities, kitchenware and technology. A mansion at the top of a skyscraper, with lights turned down to help hide their whereabouts.

With Kyle seated on a stool in the open plan kitchen they had all arrived into, and Ryan, still holding onto Tracy, Tyler asked/suggested to Emily, "Maybe I should go back out there?!"


"I mean what about all the..."

"Will figure it out."

"And the car!" He remembered, "We need to..."

"Tyler, we'll figure it out!" Emily reassured him, trying to keep Mason calm. One thought had been holding onto Emily's thoughts though. "Tyler, my family. We need to make sure my family's safe." Worrying that Nadine Newfield might be out for revenge.

"My mom, man." Kyle threw his concern into the conversation. Tracy felt the same about her family, and the family of someone else as well.

"Ryan, where's Cameron?"

"He's at the dorm of his boarding school. Has a room to himself."

"Okay." Tyler decided, "We need to make a list of everyone we should be checking up on..." He was interrupted by the noisy crashing down of a body falling down to the floor, Kyle's body.

"Kyle!" many voices shouted after the sight. Tyler held Jamie back as Abrahams' friends went to check up on him.

"Are you okay?!" Tracy asked.

"That Alan Murdoch, may God rest his soul, but the man knew how to fight, really did a number on, my, ribs." He complained about his pain while he sat up, holding onto the side of his torso."

"He's hurt." Emily exclaimed.

"I'll be okay." Kyle replied. "Just in need of a little TLC."

"I know someone who can help him." George seemed to hesitantly announce.

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