Chapter 11: Sides Chosen

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"And this is why I cannot understand why no arrests have been made!"

"Because of the testimonials you claim to have heard from the three bodyguards."

"And the armed response unit, along with thousands of witnesses? Yes! Absolutely yes."

"Ladies and gentlemen," the host stepped in. "If you are just joining us, you are watching our special live broadcast of the Martin Miller Show, and we are currently in the middle of a debate waged between a member of the African National Political Party, Mister Vuyile Makaleni and representative spokesperson of the Democratic Party, Mister Jeremy Lewis." He turned his attention from the camera to his guests. "Now, with all due respect, Mister Makaleni, there are two bits of information that Mister Lewis has brought to my attention, which I would like to mention on his behalf, unbiased. Firstly, I have in front of me, a sheet of statistics concerning people with naturally altered genetics, and I have to say that I am quite surprised at the numbers. It is estimated that there are about forty thousand people living in South Africa with power genes, and it is a fact that several members of that forty thousand possess similar abilities or powers, whatever you want to call it, to the next person. So who knows how many people are out there, who are able to leave an impression, such as those left behind in the minds of those victims?"

"Well, Martin..."

"Please, Mister Makaleni, let me proceed to the DP's next point, which is; How could we even determine that the perpetrators of the attack in the early hours of the morning, even had Naturally Altered DNA's? It could have been a couple of thugs with some hi-tech equipment, like that drill found buried into the ground."

"Thank you for making a point of that, Martin." Mister Lewis said who, himself now continued. "Now, Mister Makaleni, if you have a valid counterpoint to add to this discussion, I am interested in hearing it." Vuyile Makaleni paused with discontent before answering. "Even though I am displeased with the overseeing of this debate, I will proceed to express my views on what I believe is the truth. And the truth is that somewhere along the line between the birth of the naturally altered genetic era and this day, we have become too accustomed to and comfortable with these people living alongside ourselves in the community."

"I'm going to have to stop you right there, Mister Makaleni..." the host interrupted. But the ANPP member carried on. "I don't know if it is out of fear of the return to the evil that was the Apartheid..."

"Mister Makaleni, hold it right there. And this time I am being partial when I say that the ANPP is too close to the heart of this topic. I will most certainly not allow this show to be a platform for genetic discrimination or Gene-a-phobia.

"They are dangerous, unstable and..."

"Okay, that's enough. Cut his microphone." And the mic of Mr. Makaleni was turned off, leaving him furious. He stood up and pulled off his wiring, before storming off the set, only after one last outburst. "The ANPP and our supporters, we will have our day of vengeance. And that day will be here very soon. That," He pointed directly to the camera. "That is a promise!"

"Well," Trevor began after Makaleni had left. "on behalf of the DP, I would like to express our sympathy regarding the string of tragedies which has wounded our fellow organisation. As South Africans, it is undeniably a step in the wrong direction. As strongly as we go against the views of the ANPP, violence is most certainly never the answer."

"Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to thank Mister Jeremy Lewis and the Democratic Party for their contributions to today's show." They exchanged a spirited handshake.

"And I would like to mention that the views and opinions mentioned by our guests on today's show are not necessarily shared by the team here on Martin Miller show or channel. Thank you, for tuning in."

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