Chapter 12: The Clouds

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Mornings were now a breeze. Mason would wake up fifteen minutes early and cancel the alarm on his new cellphone; a modern, up to date and organized smart phone. On that morning, Tyler stood up and stepped into the bathroom with the destination being the mirror. Mason had picked up all of the weight which he had lost a few months before. He looked healthy again, thanks to dinners with Emily and all around the world lunches with George, all which had always offered up nutrients for more than just his body.

The next destination was the shower, where he hesitated just before turning it on, and decided otherwise.

"Knock knock." Tyler heard a voice calling a bit later.

"Come in." He called back.

"Uhm, what's wrong, Tyler?" Jamie quickly asked as she came across Tyler in the midst of scrubbing the shower area.

"Nothing, why?"

"You're cleaning the shower." Indeed he had been. "You never clean." She added.

"I know."

"You never used to do anything, really."

Tyler laughed at this comment. "I know that too." He turned back to look and smile at Jamie staring at his accomplishment. "Thanks for being that honest and straightforward."

"You're welcome." She beamed.

"So what changed? What's the difference?"

"Uhm," He thought about it. "I guess I just have a sense of purpose now."



"What's that?"

"It's like, well it's like the reason why you live."

"My teacher told us the reason why we live. It's our hearts. She said that our heart pumps blood to the rest..."

"No, no, no, Jamie. Your teacher's right about your heart and all that. But that's not what I meant."

"Oh. Then what do you mean?" Jamie asked inquisitively. Tyler took some time to think about it, wiping the cloth in circles against the glass pane. Jamie eagerly waited on the other side.

"Picture this, Okay? Think about the one thing in your world, that means the most to you, right? Now imagine, that that thing or that person is your heart."

"The reason why we live."

"Exactly! And that heart, that heart pumps blood, pumps life into everything else. And all of the sudden, your life has meaning. That, is what we refer to as purpose."

"Emily?" Jamie asked.


"She's your heart, hey? Your purpose?" Tyler didn't answer. He looked at Jamie and smiled at the fact that she got it.

"I like Emily." Jamie continued. "Nana Gouldlite said that we are going to watch you two coming to your dance thingy tonight."

"Really?" He asked, surprised by the comment.

"Yip. You owe me."

"I owe you?" Tyler laughed.


"For what?"
"Well, I'm being forced to go." She stated.

"But I didn't ask you to..." He stopped, and restarted. "You know what? That's just fine. Tomorrow, I'll take you for some ice cream, okay?" Jamie's excitement grew along with the twinkle in her eyes and the glow in her smile. "Deal, Tyler. That's a deal."

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