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After dinner, most of the men clear out of the house and head to Xaviers. Xavier, Carli, Rune,  me, and three other guys all chat around the table. I've learned that two of these men are Xaviers biological brothers, Hurley and Matias. The other man is his foster brother of sorts, the child of the couple that took in Xavier and his siblings, Derrick. All three are considered higher ranked than the other guys that were here earlier, even though those guys that were here were also higher than the rest of the men fighting in the Resistance.

"Do we have the plans squared out now?" Rune asks, frustration written all over his face as his head drops down into his hand. I place a hand on his leg, out of view of the rest of the table. His free hand rests atop mine.

"Well, everyone knows what they're doing, if that's what you're asking," Matias points a pen to the plan guide they have sitting in the middle of the table.

"And when is this whole thing supposed to happen? Like what time?" Carli asks, looking to Xavier.

"It's supposed to happen within the next hour. The regular guard had fliers set up all around the kingdom, looking for people to attend the military barracks by eight," Xavier smacks a flier on the table.

"How do we know this isn't just a trap?" I ask, they all turn to me with question in their eyes. "Look, if I've learned anything from surviving in a world where the humans and the monsters, no offense, are both the enemy, it's that you should always assume your enemy is smarter than you. What's to say Zulot doesn't think that Resistance members would join so there'd be an attack from a big group of traitors from the inside? Didn't you guys like, live through all the times of great wars and stuff? Or at least your relatives did? You know, Trojans versus Greeks, Athenians versus Spartans?" I lean on an elbow on the table, bored with the strategies they're coming up with.

"Some of us had relatives that did. What's your point here?" Derrick looks from Xavier to me. His question makes me pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration now.

"Haven't you ever learned about the Trojan Horse strategy the Greeks used to win the Trojan war?" I ask, in hopes of jogging his memory perhaps but he simply shakes his head. "Basically, the Greeks had gotten tired of fighting a seemingly non-stop war, so they constructed a giant wooden horse, hiding a team of warriors in it before sailing out to look like they're fleeing. The Trojans took it into their city as like a trophy to signify their victory, but when dark fell, the Greeks that had been stashed inside snuck out and opened the gates. The rest of the Greek army snuck in and that's how they won. How could Zulot not think of this when he's trying to win a civil war?" I explain the story before turning to Rune in confusion.

"He wouldn't think of that because he doesn't know how to actually run an army strategically. Remember, Nessa, he was trained to be a king, not a general," Rune shakes his head.

"Well, if that's settled, I don't see anything more to discuss," Hurley stands from his spot. He's been the most silent.

"Wait," I grow tired of nobody listening and slam my hand on the table, creating a loud bang as I stand. Hurley sits, the rest of them look at me, shook. "All I'm saying is that maybe we shouldn't send all of our people in there. There should be at least a group on the outside incase things go wrong on the inside," I clench my jaw with my eyebrows furrowed before looking at Xavier.

He pulls his hand from his lips before looking up at me. "She is right," he finally says, drawing sighs from a couple of people. "We can't assume that Zulot doesn't know what he's doing by now, or that he doesn't at least have a military advisor. We need a group on the outside," he looks between his brothers. "Can I trust you all to gather a few of your more elite members?" They all nod in agreement. "Then, it is settled. Everyone here and those elites will meet at my house at seven thirty sharp. Make sure those elites don't include many of the men that were here tonight. We need some majors on the inside," Xavier nods to each of his brothers, allowing their exit.

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