Chapter Five

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"I'm hungry woman, bring me food." Black called out from the table as he was growing impatient with the services of the restaurant.

(Y/n) looked away as she saw people looking at her as she sighs "Sir please quiet down...I know I am forced to sit with you but please shut up" she said looking at him acting like she didnt know him as she kept a friendly smile acting nice and caring at the moment.

Black looked at her, giving the look of "How dare you insult me." before sighing "Sorry, I'm just hungry because we had a fight over dinner yesterday before either of us could eat." He sighed as his stomach rumbled out loudly.

(Y/n) eyes widened as he had said sorry and gasp as she sighs as a lady walked over giving them both menus and starter drinks which were just water with a couple of ice cubes in it "Mmm... your menus today I will be your waitress please if you need anything call me names Emma" Emma said and walked away going to another table. As (Y/n) smiled and started reading the menu.

Black looked through the menu and stopped as he didn't understand a single part of the words on it "Uh... How do you read this?" he held the menu upside down trying to figure out how to read it.

(Y/n) looked at him and giggles as she gets up as she sat next to him and took his menu away as they were going to share one so she can show him what the menu was saying "See Black, the first one a bacon burger.." She said as she went on until she finished and looked up at him smiling "So what do you want to eat?"

Black simply looked confused "I think I will take the bacon burger." He really didn't know anything else and just ordered the first thing on the menu that she translated. "I don't know how to read your writing."

"If you can't read this..then it's going to be hard to try and take over the world you know if you can't read anything we write." She said and looked at him as she giggled as she was finding it funny.

"H-Hey, I don't need to understand you mortals in order to wipe you out. My power is more than enough to erase you all." Black pouted a bit crossing his arms and looking away "Though... maybe a few lessons would be interesting."

"But what the point of teaching you, if you're going to wipe us all out there just no point in teaching" she said as she ordered them some food as she then leaned onto him and giggled as she saw him pouting and poking his pouted cheek.

Black looked at her almost growling before biting gently on her finger "Do not poke my cheek." He looked at her in the eyes with his arms still crossed. He felt a bit weird doing this but kind of followed his instinct.

"H-Hey you don't have to be so mean you know" She said as she smiled as she looked at her finger seeing a bit of blood as she puts her finger in her mouth and sucks the blood and then looked into his eyes and tilts her head as she takes her finger out of her mouth "W-what is it?" She asked.

Black looked at her as he sighed to himself "Nothing much, just a part of me was telling me about how cute you looked in my Gi, you're kind of lucky I was able to fix it on the spot." he smiled at her, not a sadistic smile but a genuine smile "Since we're partners, I guess I better warm up to you.".

(Y/n) blushes as she looked at him as he said she was cute in his Gi making her smile as she saw him smiling. "May I ask what you mean by partners?" she asked as she leaned up and kissed his cheek shyly as she then sat down and looked away as their food was served.

Black blushed a bit before looking at the food and placing his hands together like a prayer before looking for utensils "Uh... Where's a fork and knife?" He didn't know how to eat a bacon burger.

(Y/n) looks at him and laughs a bit as she then help him as she had a McChicken and picked it up and bites into it as she kept chewing and looked over at him showing him how it was done and held it out to him to try it as she swallowed her food "Here try it"

Black felt a bit embarrassed getting help from her but obliged and leaned in as he took a bite and pulled away to chew "It's very greasy, yet flavorful, and full of texture." He smiled "Maybe I might not kill all mortals.".

"W-wait really?" Her eyes sparkled as she kept eating hers as she closed her eyes smiling warmly as she looked at him from the side view and then stopped and looked at him "Mmm Do you have a Saiyan tail?" She asks and tilts her head.

Black looked at her before looking at his back end "Hmmm, I've actually never seen for myself if I had one." he looked at her "And I said not all mortals, you still need to fully convince me." He smirked a bit before patting her head.

"Well I mean you're making me a mortal your queen...meaning we are together mmm meaning you know you're going to have a wife as a mortal?" She is still confused why he had wanted her as his queen and blushes as he pats her head making her blush more.

"Well, the instinct in me is kind of making me want to be with you even more then before. A strong female, that's what most saiyans look for and well-" Black looked away as he started to blush lightly "I found a lot more other things admirable and likeable about you.".

(Y/n) eyes widened as she looked at him shyly as she then looked away shyly and hid her face into her hands "B-Black that means you're able to like Mortals don't you see that..." She said quietly as she looked at him and leaned her hand up and pats his head and smiled warmly.

Black looked at her as he still was a bit feeling off about it before smiling a bit to himself "Well, don't count on that to make me go fully against my plan. You still need to show me more as to what your world can offer about being not fully bad.".

"Well I am not losing our bet but there something you haven't answered me yet do you know how babies are made?" She asked as she was eating, wanting to change the subject to something she needed to know.

"Uh... No as a Kai we simply created the first beings from clay." Black didn't know "I never learned how babies were made." he shrugged as he picked up his burger and started to eat it as he was still hungry for more.

"That might explain why you do things without knowing well I guess I have to teach you a lot of things" She said as she gave him her food as she didn't need to eat that much as she took out her phone and started texting her friends.

Black soon finished his burger and ended up ordering for another one "Well I never fully finished my Kai training so that might explain why I don't know a lot about life. I just didn't see a point of it, mortals just kept on desecrating and dirtying the world around them.".

(Y/n) stopped as she looked over at him and sighs as she mumbls now just wanting to leave "Stop talking about my kind nor others like that..." She said looking at a family "We all live differently, never the same...if it was peaceful it would never be interesting and it is not our fault.." She said then after that was quiet the whole time.

Black looked at her and thought about it sighing before finishing his 250th Bacon Burger "... Maybe, I should go and travel around the world to see how it can be." He looked at (Y/n) before smiling a bit "I would appreciate it if I had help on my journey around the world to see how good it can be.".

"Sure whatever you say" (Y/n) mumbles as she looks as the family leaves as she then looks at Goku Black and tilts her head.

Black looked at her "No I'm being serious, you seem pretty sure of how good the world is, and I want to experience it for myself, and I can't do that without a guide, so what do you say?" He held his hand out to her.

(Y/n) looks at him as she was about to reach out to grab his hand when Emma came with the bill. She took the little paper and stopped as her face turned pale as she sighs and laughs slowly paying with the money she had.

Black smiled patting his stomach "All that food was indeed good, I feel all of my energy returning to me and ready for anything." he smiled to himself "Just watch yourself Goku, next time I will wi-" He stopped feeling a familiar presence behind him

"I used... almost all my money to pay for your food." (Y/n) looked at Black with hollow eyes as she started to power up "I used up all my money... TO PAY FOR YOUR FOOD!!!!!!"

"Oh... crap." Was all Black could say before being knocked out by a purse and falling to the ground

To be continued!

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