Chapter Six

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Black laid on his chair with X's on his eyes as he was knocked unconscious with a panting (Y/n) holding a bloody hang bag in her hand.

(Y/n) was panting slowly as she took a deep breath and looked at Black closing her eyes as she stopped opening her eyes slowly looking over at the front of the restaurant seeing Vegeta and Bulma coming in. (Y/n) eyes widened and gasp and started shaking Black "B-Black we have to get out of here" She whispered to him.

Black was still passed on the chair almost saying the word "Ape.. No woman... why is the whole world spinning to me." He slowly stood up before drunkenly falling down on the ground with his eyes back as swirls.

(Y/n) eyes widened as she caught him and sighs heavily as she had to think quickly "B-Black Vegeta and his wife here wake up" She whispered as she grabbed her glass of water and threw it into his face hoping that would make him wake up.

Bulma sighs and crosses her arms looking over at her husband and stares "Vegeta are you sure we aren't here because you're HUNGRY!?" She yelled in his ear about to hit him if he doesn't explain in seconds.

Vegeta held his ear "Jesus woman, no need to yell in my ear and yes I'm sure I didn't come here to eat. That was just a bonus, the real reason is because I sensed a power here."

Black was still knocked out as he kept lying on the floor unconscious "Agh... aww... the world is so beautiful." he mumbled as his eyes kept on swirling and spinning around making it hard for him to determine some things.

"You know, Vegeta you could have just told me that from the start of all this" Bulman said and glared as she crossed her arms looked around as she tilts head seeing if anyone was acting weird and stopped as she was looking at (Y/n) and Black and raised a brow "Mmm?"

(Y/n) Looks at Bulma and laughs as she quickly thinks and holds Black head to her chest area as she waved at her slowly and has a smile like everything was normal "Black snapped out of it..." She mumbles into his ear after words.

Vegeta noticed the hair style and walked over "Girl, I'm going to ask you to unhand that saiyan. He's a dangerous individual that can destroy the world unless he's destroyed.".

Black kept on mumbling while being knocked out as the red bumps on his head were seen poking from the hair.

"Mmm Sorry Sir, but I think you have the wrong guy hehe see he loves to cosplay as someone called Goku black heh so I am not handing him to you" She said as she held him close as Vegeta knew this isn't how Black would have acted.

Bulma grabbed Vegeta arm and hits him vehind the head hard and then looked at (Y/n) "Sorry about him...he doesn't have any manners mmm Vegeta you can't just go up to people like that anyway that evil saiyan doesn't act like that I mean look at them" She mumbles the last part.

"Doesn't mean it isn't a cause for concern. For all we know he could be acting like a normal person and attack us when we have our backs turned." Vegeta glared at Black as he still didn't believe them.

Black slowly woke up and felt something soft in front of him before pushing his head forward and nuzzling "So Soft... and heavenly." He felt more tired as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Bulma looked over at both (Y/n) and Black and raised a brow knowing that Black wouldn't act like that to a person in his life "Vegeta, I think your wrong He would never act like this to a normal person if you forgot he wants to kill all Mortals" She said quietly as she was about to lose it if he makes something up again.

(Y/n) blushes as she looked down at Black and smiles warmly as she leans down and kisses his forehead as she heard what he said and blushes heavily as she looked back at both of them and laughs slowly "Umm I think you still have the wrong person.".

Vegeta looked on before scoffing "If I'm wrong then I'll pay off your food expenses and other things. If I'm right you'll hand him over and let me finish him off.".

Black kept on sleeping against (Y/n) as he was stuck in the feeling of softness and peace "Mmmm... Can I just stay in here for the rest of my mortal life.". He held his arms around her and pulled her in.

"VEGETA! I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT THE MONEY YOUR USING IS MINE!" Bulma yelled in her head as she was behind him as a burning aura behind Vegeta was felt as she had her arms crossed still and glared.

(Y/n) blushes more as she held him close and sighs as she looked at Vegeta and then nodded "Fine we have a deal but how are we going to do this?" She asked as she raised a brow but blushing feeling her heart start beating quickly again.

Vegeta crossed his arms looking at Black "It's simple, we'll see what he does when I use a beam on him." Vegeta held his hand out as he charged a large blue energy sphere to fire at them.

Black was still sleeping and nuzzled close to her as he was practically hugging her like a newborn baby wanting to be kept in his mother's touch "Nooo... don't leave me.".

Bulma glared and looked at Vegeta and glared, grabbing him by his tights on the shoulder and dragged him away as she placed money on the table "VEGETA, you're an idiot!" She said as she walked out still dragging him.

(Y/n) takes a deep breath of reife as they leave as she then looks at Black and shakes him as she was still a blushing mess "B-Black their gone you can stop acting now" She said as she kept shaking him more until he woke up.

Black shook his head nuzzling against he "Noooo... let me have 10 more minutes of this." He said it stubbornly as he didn't want to leave this feeling.

(Y/n) sighs heavily and stands up as she gets free from his hold as she thinks looking at him lying there on the seat and pouts as she turns around and pulls him onto her back. "'re heavily" She mumbles as she heads out and starts walking home.

Black slumped himself forward as his hand reached down past and gently gripped her side "hmmm?... Oh sorry am I grabbing your chest?" he asked tiredly as he gently squeezed her side not knowing what he was grabbing.

"N-No your not...B-but can y-you please stop touching me" (Y/n) mumbles shyly as she looked at him and then walked ahead on the sidewalk going home as she bit her lip slowly as she reached in her pocket grabbing the key to her house.

Black squeezed her side again tiredly as he didn't hear a single thing of what she said "Huh, sorry what was that? I'm a bit tired so I might not have heard it since I got beaten up 3 times in a row today." He looked at her tiredly.

"It's about to be four if you don't move your hands right now" (Y/n) said as she gets weak by him doing this again as she unlocked the door and stumbled inside her house and kicked the door close as she fell on the floor with him on her back.

Black groaned as he slowly got up and looked down at her as he pulled her up "Hey come on, the floor is no place to rest and recover your beauty. Let's go get you on your bed." He pulled her onto his back and carried her to her room.

(Y/n) was blushing as she nuzzled against his neck as she closed her eyes as her breath went against his neck slowly as she closed her eyes sleeping on his shoulder as she was more tired then he was for using her energy to beat him up and now she just giving in for the day.

Black set her down on the bed as he yawned and looked around before going on a chair and looked out the window "Well today sure was weird." He looked at her shelf and saw the manga before reaching out for it.

"Mmmm..." She said some things in her sleep as she was sleeping still not knowing what Black was doing as she was trying to reach for something and whines as she gave up and laid there alone sleeping.

Black looked around before seeing her and wondered a bit to himself before smiling "Well, I suppose I should look forward and up to tomorrow to see what's planned. This isn't all too bad I suppose."

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