Chapter I

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Another red moon peaked over the mountain crest, bringing an almost cherry pink glow through the curtains of the ballroom. The night had been wonderful thus far. The guests were happy, the energy was vibrant, and the guards of the evening had reported nothing of interest. The final song of the gala was playing, and the guests were happily dancing with one another.

The dresses of the beautiful members of the court swayed and flowed freely. It was almost entrancing to watch their dresses spin around and around. They were all becoming blurs of pastel pink, green, blues, and red while they endlessly danced with their partners.

The handsome members of the court were cleanly cut and sharp. All of their suits weren't out of place in the slightest. They're courteous manners aided them all night long as they're nature attracted them to their partner like moths to the light.

The orchestra hit the final notes to the beautiful symphony, sending chills down the spines of everyone in the room. Nobody wanted the gala to end. It was always the most perfect of nights, but perfect never lasted forever.

Everyone would clap as the orchestra members took a bow, thanking the guests for their wonderful night of dancing, drinks, food, and entertainment. When they exited the stage, the lady from the top of her throne at the end of the room stood up. People became drawn to her stance, putting all of the focus on her, just as she would want.

"Thank you all for coming to the Gala of the Full Red Moon!" The queen beamed. The guests wildly cheered and roared, filling the room with the echos of a magical and exciting night. "But of course, it's not just me who helped make this entire night happen for you! Ladies and gentleman of the court, a huge round of applause for your future king, my son, Logan!"

The crowd erupted with cheers and applause as the prince took to his feet next to his mother. Logan was wearing a dark grey suit with a dark blue tie and a matching dark blue cape that trailed behind him majestically. A small, pleased smile wrapped around his cheeks as his future subjects cheered and celebrated.

Logan bowed again kindly before sitting back down in his dark blue throne. His mother, Queen Anasia, took a seat in the red throne next to his. They watched calmly as the guards escorted the guests out of the castle.

"So," Anasia started with a smirk on her face. Logan knew exactly what his mother was getting at, it just hurt him to know he had to sit there and take it. "You saw a lot of fabulous ladies tonight. Any one of them catch your eye, Logie?"

"No, mother." Logan didn't even have to look at his mother to know she had an unpleased look on her face. It brought a tiny smirk to his face. His mother's ignorance was starting to become her biggest stress factor. And to her son, it was pretty amusing.

"Logan, tonight was the final Gala of the Full Red Moon! By the next gala, the moon will have shifted and become dark blue. And by then, you must be the king or the kingdom will not be the same! The traditions will be smashed, our dynasty; ruined! The Kingdom of the Damned will destroy us!"

"I get it, mother!" The prince snapped, making his mother flinch in shock. Logan quickly stood up and walked down to the palace floor, heading towards the exit.

"Where are you going, Logan? I am talking to you!" Anasia yelled at the boy.

"To my quarters, mother. I'm tired." With that, he exited the ballroom, letting the door close with a harsh bang. As he began to walk back towards his bedroom, he couldn't help but replay the entire conversation in his head. His mother, from the day he was born, told him that she would find him a lucky bride. But now, eighteen years later and weeks before the new era of the moon, he didn't want a bride at all.

Entering the hallway to his quarters, he was too busy in his fit of anger to notice the two people tucked in the corner. There was Logan's head knight, Roman who was locked in a deep kiss with Logan's servant, Virgil. It had been no secret to the prince that they were in love, but sometimes, it distracted them from their duties. Logan didn't mind that fact, but he was worried his mother would fire them.

Luckily enough, Virgil opened his eyes from the kiss and noticed Logan stomping towards his room. He smacked Roman upside the head, breaking the kiss. He would've been upset if he hadn't followed Virgil's gaze to see Logan as well.

Both boys sprang up and rushed towards Logan. They stood by his side, neither of them knowing what to say. Finally, Virgil shoved Roman to talk so, he cleared his throat. "Uh, prince, Logan! How was the gala?" He asked nervously.

"Fine, I suppose," Logan answered, putting his hand on his bedroom door.

"Say, i-isn't the next gala your official gala as king?" Virgil sheepishly asked.

"It is, unfortunately," Logan replied. Virgil immediately felt bad for asking as he clung to Roman as he anxiety raised. Virgil was known to be a very anxious person. That's one reason why he wasn't a member of the guard, he knew he couldn't handle it. So, Roman had vowed to protect him, leaving the two to fall in love in the process.

"But, hey, you'll find the lucky person soon! And they will be worth the wait, I promise, Logan!" Roman did his best to cheer up the prince. Logan just nodded and leaned his head against the door. Now both of the boys felt bad.

"It's late and you two have been up all night with the gala, you both should get some rest," Logan suggested.

"He's right." Virgil stated with a heavy sigh. "C'mon Ro, we should go wake up Remus for his shift so he doesn't miss it. Again." Roman agreed as they walked hand and hand to the guard's quarters.

With Logan left alone, he entered his bedroom, feeling all of his tiredness press down on him all at once. He removed his cape, suit, and tie before hanging them up in his closet. Only in his boxers, he collapsed onto his bed and fell into a deep, dark, sleep.

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