Chapter XIII

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"What do you mean Emperor Coils was spotted in the village?!" Virgil quietly whisper yelled to Roman as they walked down the hall towards the armory. "And, if he was spotted over two days ago, why was it only reported now?"

"A group of about 20 kids arrived in Windshine from the woods and reported the attack. Their guards are taking care of the kids but we've gotta take care of the village. I'm sending 3 platoons down the hill as well as extra forces around the castle. We can't let anything interfere with Logan and Patton's relationship," Roman instructed.

The two got to the armory, many of the castle's guards in there and in position as soon as their leader walked in. "Get to your stations! You each have a team of three. If you see anything and go to advance towards it, you do not do it alone!" The knight said, before sending the troops out.

Virgil watched them leave, a sinking feeling in his gut. When he turned back around, he gasped upon seeing Roman suiting up in an armor suit. "The hell are you doing?" He questioned, grabbing his arm and pulling it away from the suit.

"What does it look like? I'm protecting you!"

"By going out to get yourself controlled? Or worse, killed!?" Virgil argued. Roman partly rolled his eyes, knowing that his boyfriend was entering another panicking frenzy. He'd never leave him like that. "I'm sorry, Roman, but you need to be here to lead the platoons left here!"

"Virgil, please! My best platoons are stationed here to protect you. But I need to go out with Remus and his platoon to lead them and make sure they don't get up here!"

"No! Roman, you can't!"

"Honey, I have to!" Roman suddenly snapped, guiding his eyes directly into Virgil's. Tears freely flowed down his face. The knight cupped his face, using his thumb to wipe his tears. "I'm just wanting to make sure you're safe."

"I get that, Roman. But when I'm here, you know I'm safe. But when you aren't here, I have no way of knowing if you're safe or not. And it freaks me out and then I can't focus. Then I can't help Logan so Queen Anasia notices. And I can't get fired from this job! I may never see you again if I do!" The butler began to sob, grabbing Roman's hand and squeezing it for closure.

His knees went weak so Roman helped him to the ground, trapping him in a tight hug while Virgil continued to cry. "Shh, there there, baby. Everything is okay." Roman cooed, moving his body side to side to try and soothe him.

"You can't...You-You can't go," Virgil whimpered, his head buried deep in Roman's elbow.

"Shh, I won't go. I promise. I will stay right here and protect you all the way through. Does that sound good?" Virgil hummed in agreeance. Roman harmonized his voice to one of his boyfriend's favorite song. The butler's eyes began to grow heavy. From his nights of zero sleep from his anxieties to his attack just now, he was more than exhausted.

The comfort of Roman's hug and voice was enough to calm him down, his arms around Roman falling limp as barely audible groans exited his mouth. "Tired, baby?" The knight asked, receiving a nod. Roman scooped up Virgil's legs and neck, carrying him.

He carried him over to his quarters in the tower. He couldn't help but think about how worried he was about him. Granted, he only knew about The Emperor and his abilities through the constant stories people told about him. Even though Roman had never experienced his powers first hand, but he didn't doubt that they were real.

Of course, he had confidence in his platoons to fend off his attacks until Logan and Patton are married. Or, until Logan found someone else. Whichever came first. But, until then, Virgil's safety was his number one concern.

He opened Virgil's door with his elbow, pushing it open wider with his foot. Walking further in the room, he placed the boy onto his plush black bed, watching him snuggle into the blankets. After placing a kiss atop the boy's forehead, he walked out, shutting the door and leaving him to get some rest. "Love you, Vee!"

"Love you too."


Logan and Patton sat peacefully in the dining hall. Anasia set up a grand lunch for the two after learning of Patton's deal. Their meal consisted of fruit, finger sandwiches, a grand garden salad, along with cheese and crackers. It was not only beautiful, but also delicious.

"Gosh, this place has the best food I've ever had!" Patton gushed, filling his face with more crackers and salad.

"Only the best for you, Patton," Logan blushed, making the boy blush too. "Thank you again for agreeing to be the king. You've put a lot of people's nerves at ease."

"Well, remember, I will be your king until you find someone else." That reminder brought the room now. To be honest, neither of them really wanted Patton to leave. It wasn't that Patton didn't want to go back to the orphanage, but he also didn't want to leave his Princely friend.

"Hey, as long as you're full, I'd like to show you something." Patton immediately agreed, wiping his mouth with a napkin before bolting upward to join Logan. They walked with their arms linked together out to the entrance to the castle.

"Logan? What exactly are you showing me?" Patton nervously asked as they cautiously stepped closer and closer to the edge of the hill they were perched upon. But suddenly, Patton saw it. Beyond a few small hills was the perfect view of a waterfall from Windshine. They could see the mist as the crystal clear water flowed down, creating a beautiful sound and fresh scent of water.

"Do you like it?"

"I-I-It's so beautiful!" Patton responded, wide-eyed with sparkles shining deeply in them. Logan smirked, blushing at his childlike nature. His hand slipped into his as Patton's head perched onto the Prince's shoulder. So, the two watched the early sunset and listened to the waterful, enjoying each other's presence.

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