Chapter VI

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Emile wiped his damp brow as he continued to roll out pastry dough, getting flour all over his face. The kids were screaming and happily playing, while the poor man worked hard to keep them all happy. They had all just woken up from a nap, but not Emile. He started to panic after Patton never returned from the market.

It had been just over two days and the brother had no time to go search for his missing half. And it certainly was not like Patton to run off without telling someone. Or, at least, without telling his only brother.

Emile looked up from the pastries, seeing some of the older kids of the orphanage watch him. He must've been on the verge of tears as he felt a tug on his apron. When he looked down, one of the younger children with a cloth in his hand, trying to offer it to Emile to wipe his tears. The poor boy had to choke back a sob at the kindness, taking the cloth and hugging the child.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I-I've just been a little worried ever since Patton never came back. I-It's not like him to leave this place. He loves it here. He loves all of you," Emile sighed, wiping his eyes again, "I don't know what happened to him, but I'd so appreciate it if we could all come together to keep this place going until I find him."

The children looked at each other, then back to Emile. With a smile, a few stepped into the kitchen, lightly scooting Emile out while they finished the baking and started lunch. Another bunch of kids lead the little ones outside to play, while the rest cleaned up. Emile couldn't believe what he was seeing. He didn't realize that they'd be so willing to help. Maybe it was all they felt they could after Emile and Patton saved them from homelessness.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Emile perked up, crossing his fingers that it might be Patton. He slowly walked to the door, dusting off his apron of stray flour before opening the door widely. He paled a bit, seeing four guards with the royal family crest in front of him.

"Is this the resident of his honor, Patton Picani?" The guard with striking red eyes spoke as he looked inside. All of the children were still and quiet. Never had they seen actual guards before, and neither had Emile.

The caretaker gulped and nodded nervously. "Y-Yeah, he lives here. W-W-Why do you ask?" He squeaked meakly.

"By orders of Queen Anasia, all of his honor's belongings are to be sent up to the castle at once." Once those words were said, the other three guards rushed inside, finding and collecting the things with Patton's name on them.

"Hold on there! You can't just do this! Do you at least have a reason?" Emile begged to know.

"I'm sorry, babes," A new guard spoke, coming from the downstairs with a box of Patton's things. He had shaggy brown hair and rusty brown eyes. His smirk had a golden shine to it to distract from the grey bags under his eyes. "We can't tell you much. Especially when Prince Logan's coronation is so soon. Never know if spies from the Kingdom of the Damned are listening."

"Remy!" The red eyed guard criticized, marching over to the two. "Do not scare the villagers! Please forgive him, sir. He's an idiot!"

"I'm your idiot," The guard, Remy teased, caressing the lead guard's chin. He swatted his hand away from his red face, going over to check on the other guards. "Sorry about him and...all of this. I wish I could put your mind at ease but, I cannot." With that, Remy followed the other guards outside with all of Patton's stuff.

"Wait! Come back! Please, you have to tell me where my brother is!" Emile begged, walking outside. But they were already deep into the village. The brother sighed, feeling tears poke at his eyes again. That was when he felt a tug against his apron.

At his feet, only reaching the height of his knees, was a small child in beaten clothes and dirt all in their short hair. They jumped up and down once they had Emile's attention. They were mute, trying to convey their point through gestures and charades.

Emile raised an eyebrow, confused by what the child was doing. He kneeled down, putting his hands on the child's shoulders, calming them down. "Kiddo, I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. Do you need something that I can get you?" Emile asked in the kindest way he knew how.

The child shook their head and instead, reached into their pockets, pulling out a cloth that was covered in writing and an apple. They handed these things to Emile, watching hopefully as the caretaker put the story together in his mind.

The written cloth was the list Emile had given to his brother in the early mornings of two days past. While the apple was small and uneaten, but the caretaker understood why the child had it. "Patton bought you food, didn't he?" The child nodded, followed by pointing towards the guards who were settling themselves in their carriages. "The guards took Patton! He's at Queen Anasia and Prince Logan's castle!" The child clapped and smiled.

Emile watched the guards take off up the hill, towards the giant castle deep in the mountains. He then turned back to the child and gave them a hug. "Thank you, kiddo." Emile said before the child squeezed him weakly before their stomach grumbled loudly. "C'mon in, little one. Let's get you some better clothes and some food in your tummy."

As he turned the child towards the house, a spark of something caught his eye. He looked upward at it, seeing an ominous black cloud hovering over the forest. It had two bright yellows lights coming from it. Almost like eyes. It sent a spike of fear up Emile's spine.

"P-P-P," the child stuttered, tearing Emile's eyes away from the cloud, "P-P-Pat-t-t-ton?" The caretaker sighed, feeling a few tears glide down his cheeks before he took the child's hand and walked inside.

"He'll be okay. He'll come home. He will."

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