Chapter VII

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Virgil lead Patton followed by Roman up the stairs to the living quarters. The nervous new prince stayed quiet, just fidgeting with his clothing while scanning the walls of his new home, trying to get used to everything.

"Don't worry, honor Patton!" Roman suddenly spoke, a little too much excitement in his voice. "You'll get acquainted with everything quickly. The castle really isn't that big."

"Really? This place has six floors, Roman. He'll get used to it by the time the Queen comes to her senses and returns him back to his modern life!" Virgil argued, grumbling to himself.

"Vee, baby, are you still mad at me?" The guard asked, receiving nothing but a huff in frustration in return. "Virgil, I did not send out the order to go into the village and find a husband for Logan!"

"I understand that, Roman. But I'd at least think that you'd be wise enough to realize how messed up the plan was! I mean seriously, this is on level to kidnapping!"

"Hey!" Patton suddenly yelled, putting both of the royal members on pause. "Now, come on you two. I know neither of you mean this. You're letting your anger speak before your heart." He put his hand on Roman's shoulder, glaring at him. "Now, you sir are doing too much to defend your own honor so that Virgil over here, still likes you. But he'll always love you, kiddo. I can tell."

Virgil blushed and nodded, a little sheepish at the fact that the fatherly figure practically read his mind. "Now, Virgil," Patton continued. "You are ignoring the fact that Roman was just following orders so that he could stay here with you. Everything he does is to protect you, kiddo." It became Roman's turn to nod, as he pushed by Patton to get to his love.

"I'm sorry, Ro. I just can't help but worry. If this wasn't the Queen's plan, what if you were put on trial for kidnapping? What if you were punished to the dungeons? What if...what if I never saw you again?" Virgil asked, holding his arms to his chest tightly and willing himself not to cry.

"Virgil! Baby, no! That would never ever happen. Look at me," The guard instructed, gently pushing his chin upwards to meet his eye. "As a guard, it is my duty to make sure the people as the kingdom are safe. But as, Roman, it is my honor to make sure you are safe. You always come first, my star."

The two stared into each other's eyes for awhile before they heard a small, high pitched squeak from behind them. They turned to see Patton, his hands covering his mouth while his eyes were teary. "That was the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life!" Both boys blushed, swapping a small kiss before turning back to Patton.

"How do you do that?" Virgil asked.

"Do what?"

"What you just did. You're able to pick apart bits of an argument and find a way to see it from both sides. You did it to Queen Anasia and Prince Logan so, how do you do it?" Roman added, watching Patton chuckle a little.

"I'm not sure. I guess when you just work with 23 young kids who often fight about the silliest things, you just begin to learn how to dissect it." Virgil and Roman swapped looks, sharing a laugh before continuing down the hall. "What's so funny?"

"Just thinking. We could've used your little skill back when the king was around. The King and Queen used to argue all of the time, especially about their son." Roman told him. Just as he did, they passed by a stained glass window that Patton couldn't help but stop at stare at. It's beauty was immaculate and it shined perfectly in the sun's light.

The picture stained in the glass was that of the King and Queen. A sleeping baby Logan was in Queen Anasia's arms while the King had his hands on her shoulders. "Wow," Patton couldn't help but awe.

"I know. I've worked here for 6 years and I still can't get over its beauty," Virgil said, walking up to it.

"So, that was the King, huh?"

"Indeed. He was a remarkable man. Very wise, considerate, joyful, and kind in every way. Much like his son, who he taught everything he knew." Roman added, joining Virgil.

"Wow...The King really was like everything they talk about in the stories?"

"Of course. The King did not tolerate lying. Probably why we have the Full Moon Galas. To keep out the Emperor of the Kingdom of the Damned."

"He's real too?!"

"Unfortunately, yes. But you will be safe. As soon as you and Prince Logan get married, the spell keeping him out will get stronger and the kingdom will be safe," Virgil continued.

"A-And if we don't?" The butler and knight swapped a worried glance. They both shifted to Patton, their hands wrapped together.

"W-We don't know. B-But you have to. For the kingdom's sake!" Roman pleaded. The conversation hit the floor, as did Patton's happy demeanor. They eventually reached his suite, Roman and Virgil opening the double doors while his honor walked inside.

It was beautiful. The walls were a pale crystal blue while the floors were covered in fluffy white carepting. A large king bed against the left wall with a vanity across from it. To the left and right of the door there was a bathroom and giant walk in closet, filled to the brim with pretty dresses, shoes, and jewelry. But, there was also the balcony with curtains closing it off from the main bedroom. Patton wordlessly walked out onto it, with breath getting taken from it as he perfectly viewed the waterfall that lead to the village's main river.

"Is everything adequate, honor Patton?" Virgil asked, one hand behind his back while the other draped in front of his chest.

"Is really is. Thank you two so much!" Roman and Virgil swapped a smile.

"Well, if you are in need of anything at all, let us know. We want you to do be comfortable here. Since, you know, this is your new home," Roman needlessly reminded him. Patton just nodded, playing with his fingers again. Virgil bit his lip and walked out of the room, shutting the doors behind him and Roman as Patton hung his head.

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