Chapter VIII

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A few days later, Logan laid peacefully in his bed. The words of his mother were swimming through his ears like fish. He could feel the drowsiness settled on his eyelashes pull on his eyes, trying to get him back to sleep. But he could feel that his mind was already awake and ready to start his long day. With a low grumble, the boy turned onto his stomach, slamming his face into a pillow.

That was until he heard the doors to his bedroom creak open slowly. He lifted his head up, knowing exactly who it was. There was Virgil, sitting on his bed next to him, a hand on his shoulder blade. "Rise and shine, your highness." Logan rolled his eyes, making Virgil huff out a laugh.

The butler rolled back onto his feet, moving towards the giant, floor to ceiling window next to Logan's nightstand. He drew back the curtain, making the prince groan and cover his eyes with his arm. "What time is it?" He grumbled sleepily.

"Almost 8. You must've been super tired, dude. Usually, you're fully dressed by the time I come get you," Virgil cooed, handing Logan his glasses.

"I guess," The prince muttered, rubbing his hands up and down his face before sliding his glasses on. The weight in the room felt heavy, making it almost hard to breathe. Logan could tell that Virgil was starting to get lost in his head. So, the prince did the only thing he knew, "You okay, Virgil?"

"H-Huh?" The butler answered wildly, whipping his head towards the prince. His wide eyes eventually shrunk as he shook he head, clearing his mind. "Oh, yeah. Just thinking. I-I'll uh, get your suit ready for today."

"Wait, a suit? Not something...I don't know, less formal?"

"Queen Anasia set up a breakfast for you and, honor Patton. Just for you two. Alone," Virgil told him. Logan rolled his eyes, unsurprised. He shouldn't have suspected anything else from his, already out going, mother.

The Prince stood up on his feet, trudging over to his bathroom. He wetted his hairbrush before combing it through his wild bed head. After that, he brushed his teeth and put on some deodorant. When he walked out of the bathroom, Virgil was standing their with one of his nicer suits. A black undershirt with a white tie with faint blue stripes on it and white pants.

Logan took it from the nervous boy and began to change. He handed Virgil his nightshirt and pants while he put on his suit. The butler did his best to help him button the shirt together, but not even Logan could ignore how much his hands were shaking.

"Virgil, please, something is bothering you. I just wanna talk!"

"I'm you think Patton will actually go through with this?"

"You mean, marrying me?" Logan clarified to which the butler nodded. "Well, I don't know. I hope he does.

"Do you love him?" The question sent chills up Logan's spine. Virgil must've noticed, as he released a little chuckle, wrapping a dress jacket around his shoulders.

"I-I don't really have a choice, do I? Either I do, or mother said I'd dishonor the family and the whole kingdom! And I worry that that guilt will drive me into the ground!" Logan expressed.

"Hey, don't worry about your mother right now. This whole thing is about you and Patton, okay?" Logan nodded his head, giving the butler a small smile. Virgil returned the look before heading out the door, going off to find his knight in shining armor. Logan adjusted his tie in the mirror again, figuring it was about time to leave for his breakfast before his mother and party guest would begin to worry about him.

So, the prince exited his quarters, leading himself to the dining hall. He could already begin to feel his hands go calmy and his brow grow damp. With Virgil's worries in his head but his mother's warnings echoing louder in his head. His thoughts were tugging against each other, like a war.

As he stepped down the stairway into the dining hall, immediately flushing red at the sight before him. Patton was sitting at a circular breakfast table, a long light blue dress flowing down his body. The table he was at was overflowing with fruits, teas, pastries, toasts, jams, and jellies. Not to mention, a few members of the orchestra were playing on the small stage in the dining hall.

Logan could feel his eye twitch in rage towards his mother. This was way too much for him and a stranger he just met. He could feel his dress shoes walk closer to the table. The more he could see of Patton and his dress, his face grew hotter.

"Good morning, your highness!" Patton greeted happily. Once Logan sat down, he giggled, looking down at the crystals and sparkles glowing dramatically in the sunshine. "Virgil told me I should dress fancy, but the only thing in the wardrobe was dresses."

"Oh, I-I'm sorry about that! I'll make sure the tailor visits you right away and clears that up," Logan assured him, placing a napkin in his lap.

"Oh, that's not necessary, your highness. I actually quite like the dresses!" Patton cheered, spreading some jam onto his piece of toast.

"You don't have to call me, 'your highness.' Logan will be plenty fine."

"Oh, right. Sorry, still not used to the whole, 'I'm the next king' thing, I guess."

"Well, that's quite alright. I'm afraid I am not either as of now." There was a brief pause as they both bit into their breakfast treat of choice. "I'm sorry about all of this, Patton."

"What do you mean, your hi-...Logan?" Patton quickly corrected himself.

"I mean, my being taken from your life...I'm sure it seems like you have no control over your life at the moment."

"Actually, I kinda like it!"


"Well, sure! I mean, my life in the village, while I wouldn't complain, wasn't all that structured. Every day was a new adventure; a struggle to keep afloat in the drowning and raging waters. I suppose I quite enjoy being held to a tight schedule and not having to worry about anything at all!" Logan smirked a little, liking how adorably bubbly Patton was as he slowly got used to the prince.

"I'm glad that is the case then. That means you'll be very happy here," Logan admitted, to which Patton let out a heavy breath.

"Yeah. This whole thing still is crazy but, I like crazy!" Logan smiled, filling his and Patton's cup to the brim with rose tea, his father's favorite. "To craziness?" Patton questioned, raising his glass.

"To craziness," Logan said, clinking their cups together before enjoying their breakfast feast together.

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