Chapter IV

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Logan looked at himself in the mirror again, turning around a little to gaze more at the outfit he was currently wearing. His mother had brought in the castle's tailor to design him a whole new wardrobe for his new reign as king. Even though his coronation was in 91 days now, his mother couldn't resist it.

Virgil was with him as well, making sure Logan was putting everything on correctly and helping him choose certain things. The butler stepped back and looked at the prince's new outfit as a whole. He put his finger to his chin, thinking quietly to himself. "I like the pants and tie, but that shirt is not your color," Virgil finally spoke.

"None of this is my color. None of this is my style!" Logan countered, looking at everything he was wearing. From the black, slightly heeled shoes, black tights with a cream dress shirt and black tie with his father's crown and cape to accent everything.

Carefully, Virgil removed the crown and cape from the prince, setting them down on his dresser before helping him undress from everything else. "I mean, why is mother even doing this now? We have a lot of time before I am king to do this. I understand getting an early start, but geez!" Logan complained, making Virgil chuckle.

"Never did I ever think I'd hear you complain about getting a head start on thing," Virgil said. Logan rolled his eyes and undid his tie in the mirror. As he did so, a memory flashed through his head.

"Now remember, Logan," He could hear his father say, "The tie to a king is like the hair to a queen. It must be perfect."

"Why is that, Papa?" A young Logan asked. The tie his father loaned him was sitting a top his head. The king laughed, pulling the tie off and placing it around Logan's neck instead.

"Because, my boy, it looks official and like you mean something. When you walk into a room, everyone will look at you and see your tie. That's when they know you're legitimate! They know, or at leat think, you play by the rules." When his father finished, Logan looked down at his tie. It had been done perfectly, nothing looked out of line.

"Woah," Logan marveled, making his dad chuckle. "Thank you, Papa!"

"Earth to Logan?" Virgil's words flooded the prince's brain, making him shut his eyes and shake his head. "You already, dude? You were pretty deep in your own head there."

"I-I'm fine, Virgil. Thank you though." Logan gazed at the long piece of fabric that was once a tie in his hands. This was his father's tie. His mother had given it to him for his 16th birthday. He vowed to wear it for his Full Blue Moon Gala, along with the crown and cape his father once dawned. But that that event was ever so slowly approaching, the hole in Logan's stomach only grew.

"Thinking about your dad?" Virgil asked. The prince nodded, sitting down to lean against the wall as Virgil began to hang up the outfit he was wearing.

"Father was so sure that I'd be just like they were when ruling. I'd be stern like Mother and quick witted and fast like Father. But now...I feel like I'm neither."

"What makes you say that?" Virgil said, joining him on the floor.

"I only look the part, Virgil. I don't feel like a prince, or even a king. I feel whole life I've played dressup and make believe. Like everything I have isn't real." His butler sighed, pulling one leg up to hug.

"I-I know you're the type of person that likes to work for everything you have. Trust me, you've been like that since I've known you. But, your life is the card you've been dealt. You were born into this position. You were born to play this part. But that doesn't mean you can't work hard to be better at what you're born to be. Plus, we need you, Logan. The Kingdom of the Damned would destroy us if you weren't here." Logan nodded, giving Virgil a proud smile which only made the butler blush.

"Thank you, Virgil. All of that means a lot." Virgil rolled his eyes. He jumped up onto his feet before helping the prince to his.

"If I say another sappy thing, I might have to bleach my tongue," He joked. He helped Logan choose a causal outfit for the rest of the day. Ending up with a dark blue polo, black jeans, black tie with his cape and crown. Finally, they exited his massive wardrobe while Virgil ordered the things he liked through the tailor.

When the tailor left, Roman came busting in. Virgil and Logan both jumped upon seeing him. The knight was red in the face and panting heavily. Virgil immediately rushed over and helped Roman onto the chair Logan had in the corner.

"Ro, what's the matter? Why do you look so blushed!?" He asked, caressing the guard's cheek.

"Queen Anasia asked me to come fetch her son right away." He informed, turning over to Logan. "She has something important that she wants you to see."

"What is it?" Logan asked.

"You think it's about that conversation you had the other day?" Virgil pondered to him.

"That was more than a week ago though. Plus, she doesn't care about that shit." With that said, Roman lead the way down to the grand hall. Virgil was right by Logan's side, nervously messing with his waistcoat. The Queen always made everyone nervous, especially when it came to Logan.

Once they were in the grand hall, Anasia was right there awaiting her son's arrival. "There you are sweetheart!" She squealed, pushing past Roman to grab her son's hands. Virgil grabbed onto Roman to avoid him falling. "I have a surprise for you, Logan!"

"Oh, uh, what is it, mother?" She didn't say anything else, just dragging him down the stairs to the throne room. Virgil and Roman followed, the knight having a particularly bright smile on his face.

The Queen pushed open the throne room doors, letting the others see inside. Logan gasped at what was before him. A boy, roughly his age in tattered clothing, bright brown eyes and fluffy curls atop his head. He had never seen this boy before, but his stomach sunk when his mother spoke again, "Meet your new husband!"

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