Chapter XVIII

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Logan knocked on his gracious love's door. He shifted a little in his suit as he waited for a certain someone to answer the door. His suit consisted of a black coat and pants with a light blue dress shirt underneath it. His hair was uncomfortably slicked back while the flower sticking out of his pocket awkwardly poked him.

But all of it was worth it and more. Like tonight, he had a plan for himself and Patton. Since the two had had so much fun on their first little date, Logan was anxious to do another. And he hoped that what he had planned, would be even better than the first.

Sooner or later, Patton opened the door. Logan's jaw hung at his outfit. A short white dress that went down to his kneecaps. His neck had many silver chained necklaces on it while he worse many rings to compliment it. Patton blushed pink went he made eye contact with the Prince. "Y-You look amazing, Patton," Logan stuttered out.

"So do you, my prince," Patton replied, wrapping his arms around his stomach. When he pulled away, they linked arms and walked back down to the gardens. Patton looked around, slightly confused. "I thought you mentioned something about the throne room?"

"Indeed, we will stop there. But, you need to see something else first," The Prince commanded. Along the way, the moon began to settle in the sky. It created a diffused soft glow around the castle, making it easy for both boys to see ahead of them.

The Prince lead the boy back to the royal flowers. The moon seemed to shine particularly bright over them. But Patton completely froze when he got ever closer. Below the King and Queen's red and yellow hyacinths was not only Logan's blue one, but a pure baby blue one. When Patton reached out for it, the flower respond, leaning into his touch.

Patton looked over at Logan who nodded. "I-Is this mine?" Patton asked with childish wonder.

"Indeed. It grew overnight just for you, love." Patton could hardly believe his words. Why and how did the flower grow for him? What made him so special to earn him his own royal flower?

"Why?" He finally asked. Instead of answering, Logan took his hand and ran off with him. Patton yelped but then laughed in wonder. The two sprinted up the stairs until busting into the throne room. They hurried out to the balcony where Logan whipped Patton around and back into formal ballroom position.

The grand sounds of the royal orchestra boomed through the air as Logan lead them in a dance. They couldn't remove their stares from each other's eyes. Patton's pearly blue eyes had completely capitaved Logan's brown ones. They continued to sway in the red moonlight, twirling and giggling until they could both hardly breathe.

"Logie?" Patton muttered after a while.

"Yes, Pat?"

"You didn't answer my question as to why a white hyacinth grew next to yours." Logan dipped Patton, tightly holding his back as their faces grew very close.

"Patton, I don't know when, but I feel the spark in my heart. The spark that will shift the moon and officially make me the King of our great kingdom. You've won me over and I never want to not have you by my side ever again."

The boy harshly blushed, turning a way to try to hide it. "It is weird that I feel it too?" Patton giggled.

"Not at all." Logan brought him back out of the dip, the two firmly holding each other closely, never wanting to let go. "You were meant to be my king, Patton. Even if I thought Mother was crazy at first. Roman and Remus chose you wisely."

The orchestra hit its full swing, leaving the boys to watch the moon hit it's peak as midnight struck the land. "I love you, Logan," Patton said, leaning into the Prince.

"I love you too."


Janus watched from his place on a rock as the moon set in the sky. He kept his hand placed on his stab wound as he slowly tried to heal it. Healing always took him forever to do. Mainly because it took so much energy. Anytime he would hit his full power, he'd use it all for healing and black out from the exhaustion.

But the wound was now the size of a needle. The Emperor stood up, clutching his fists as they began to glow with yellow and black fire. He smirked and laughed, loving the power rushing through his veins. Janus licked his lips at the idea of having all the power from the kingdom to himself once he got Patton out of the picture.

As he was ready to proceed up the mountain again, he heard footsteps slide down towards him. He held out his flaming fist to get a better look. None to his surprise, it was the guard he knew as Remus followed by another he hadn't seen before. "So, you're back? Come for your little boyfriend?" He hissed with a snark.

"You did quite the number on him! You're lucky I believe in second chances or you'd be a dead man where you stand!" Remus threatened, his sword's point sitting right on Janus' heart. The snake raised his hands, a sly look on his face.

"Well, unfortunately for you, that's a dumb thing to believe." Janus jumped out of the way, rolling in the dirt while both guards held their swords. The snake blasted at Remus knocking him to the ground. The other guard went to help him, but the Emperor surrounded him in magic, pulling him closer. "You're a pretty boy. What is it they call you?"

That made the guard angry. A quick punch to the face knocked Janus back, bringing him to close to the mountain's edge. When he turned his head back, Remus was on his feet next to the other. "On your mark, Roman!" Remus announced as they both moved closer.

"Roman, huh? Both such pretty names for such pretty boys," Janus lowly laughed as the brother's swapped strange glances. "I like pretty boys." With nothing but his fingers extended, two dark black clouds approached the two knights.

Roman backed up, doing his best to bust the cloud with his sword. But he was caught off guard as he brother started to scream. He looked over, seeing Remus' whole head being swallowed by the cloud. He gasped and helplessly watched as the clouds drifted away, leaving his brother with a dull expression and bright yellow eyes. "NO!" He shouted.

But it was too late. Roman's cloud swallowed him too, making him squirm and wiggle, trying to fight off the slow and draining feeling that was clouding his head. But nothing worked and when the cloud drifted away, Roman's mind went with it.

"Excellent boys," The Emperor cooed, caressing both of their apathetic faces. "Now, be good little knights and escort me up to the castle."

"Yes, Emperor Coils," They said at once. Janus continuously laughed as he followed Roman and Remus up the mountain, the feeling of power inches away from his grasp.

Ezra poked out from the rock, tears in their eyes. They saw the whole thing. The few words they knew could not express how they felt. Prue terror sat in their stomach. They had to follow the Emperor and guards up to the castle and find a way to warn Patton of their arrival and they had to do it fast!

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