Chapter XXV

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The two new kings waited in the infirmary for Emile to arrive. They sat next to Virgil's asleep self, nervously watching him, wanting to distract themselves from the grim situation. "How has he been, nurse?" Patton asked the nurse who was refilling his IV.

"The doctor stitched up his internal bleeding and realigned his broken ribs. He still has yet to wake up. But he should soon, his body is just taking its time to heal." She explained as carefully as she could. The two nodded, Patton kissing Logan's hand nervously. "I'm sorry, my kings. But we've done everything we can for now."

The room burst with life as Roman, Remus, Ezra, and two men the king didn't recognize rushed in with Emile in the knight's arms.

"Wait wait, who are these two?" Logan asked, pointing to the two strangers. Sloane and Corbin both bowed before their king while Ezra flew past them and hugged Patton's legs.

"King Logan! Please, do forgive us coming unannounced. But my name is Corbin and this is my husband, Sloane. Emile helped us when the Emperor took control of us so we took care of Emile while Ezra delivered the SOS." Corbin explained, rising up from the bow.

Roman and Remus put Emile onto a bed, hearing the poor man groan as he weakly looked around. "W-Where am I? W-W-What's happening?" Emile asked in a cold sweat.

Patton rushed over, his heart pumping so fast he could hardly hear the people around him. Upon his first gaze at his brother, he broke down into tears. The caretaker's face was a pale as paper while his hand and stomach was red and black and in pain. Emile groaned as Patton grabbed his non injured hand, making him look over. "You're gonna be okay, Emi," Patton cried.

"Patton?" Emile asked in a dazed state. "Y-You look like a princess straight out of mom and dad's stories!"

"That's because he is now." Logan interjected, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Patton is my husband, and the new king of Moon Shade Hills."

"P-Prince Logan?" Emile asked, Logan nodding. "S-So this is where you went? To come be the king of our home?" It was Patton's turn to nod. "I'm so proud of you." Emile's eyes slipped closed and his grip became weak.

"Everyone, make space!" Sloane hollered, extending his arm and grabbing Ezra's hand. They all took a step back while doctors and nurses rushed in with all sorts of medication and bandages. Corbin buried his head into Sloane's shoulder while they both hugged Ezra. Roman sat in a chair next to Virgil, tightly squeezing his limp hand. Logan let Patton cry into his shoulder, giving him supportive back rubs while he watched.

The doctors worked like lightening to save the boy's life. They cleaned up Sloane's stitching, going back through and making them tighter. Nurses injected Emile with different medications, filling up his IV with something stronger. Creams, oitments, and pressure was applied to all of his wounds.

When everything was done, everyone took another step back. The nurse connected the heartrate monitor to him. After a few seconds, the new technology came to life and started to beep.

The doctors and nurses cleared out, allowing Patton to kneel down next to Emile's bed and hold his hand again. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open and a low groan forced itself out of his lips. "Emi? It's me, Patton. How do you feel?" The new king asked.

"I-I-I feel...b-better," He slowly answered. Sloane, Corbin, and Ezra all celebrated while Patton struggled to hold back tears.

"I'm so sorry, Emile. I-If I would have known earlier that the Emperor had attacked you, I would've done everything I could to come make sure you were alright!"

"No no. You di-did the right thing by staying here. You made the kingdom stronger. Y-You made me proud and you made mom and dad prouder." Patton couldn't help but smile, lowering his head down onto Emile's hand.

"W-What about the kids? Are they okay?" Patton suddenly remembered.

"I sent them to Windshine for protection and help. Now that things are settling down, they should come back soon."

"No, I mean, we have 24 kids in that adoption center, Emile. Surely you can't take care of them all by yourself forever!"

"Actually!" Corbin butted in, scooping Ezra into his arms. "Sloane and I have been talking, and we'd be more than honored to take this little one in with us!" Ezra beamed happily, leaning forwards to hug them both.

"And, we'd love to help you with the other children! Now that everything is settling down and the village is stronger, we could set you up a booth at the market and set up potential parent and child interviews!" Sloane added. Emile brightly smiled and nodded, everything sounding to good to be true.

"That all sounds wonderful. The kids will never be able to thank you enough!" Emile gushed. He turned back to Patton, a shine in his eye. Finally, everything was becoming normal again. Well, somewhat normal...


During the blue moon's rising, the infirmary started shooing visitors out for the night. Corbin and Sloane left home with Ezra, while Patton, Logan, and Remus went to bed. Roman stayed by Virgil's side, putting his arms on the bed and leaning his bed into them.

"Virgil, I have no idea if you can hear me. Or, if you're even there. But, incase you don't know, it's me, Roman. You've been asleep for almost a day now. And I just wanted to tell you that I miss you. And I'm not alone in that. Patton, Logan, even Remus miss you. But, I miss you the most. The castle isn't the same without you. And, everyone keeps telling me that your recovery is going very well and I'm so proud of you for that. I hope that you're doing okay and whenever you decide to wake up, I'll be right here."

Roman placed a sweet on Virgil's limp and parted lips. After that, he put his head down between his arms, shutting his eyes in hope to get some amount of sleep.

Later into the night when all was quiet, Virgil's lips began to glow. They were a deep red and glowing all around the veins of the lips. It soon spread to everything else in his body, until head to toe, Virgil's veins were glowing red.

The light was enough to make Roman stir. He tilted his head up just a little, but fully recoiled upon seeing Virgil lit up like a Christmas tree. He got mesmerized in the movement of everything that was happening. But then, it began to fade. The glow collapsed inward, retreating back towards Virgil's heart. The red hue stayed there for a second, until it sparked, and Virgil groaned.

Roman gasped, grasping Virgil's hand and placing a kiss on it. The butler pushed himself upward, leaning back on the pillows as he grew winded. And then, his eyes opened. " head," He grumbled, rubbing it.

"Virgil?" The butler turned at the sound of his name. The second he saw Roman, his eyes grew watery.

"Roman!" He cheered, meeting the knight in the middle for a much needed hug. "I missed you so much, I was so worried!"

"You were worried? Baby, I would never leave you!"

"Neither would I. I'm so sorry that I scared you!"

"It's's perfectly okay."

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