Chapter XXVI

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"Careful, Virgil. Careful, Virgil! Ack! Stop, stop, stop!!" Logan begged, tears beginning to appear in his eyes. The butler loosened The King's waistcoat making it so he could breathe again. Logan readjusted the crown on his head, looking at himself in the mirror. For once in his life, he felt like the king he was always meant to be.

"Sorry about that, Logan," Virgil apologized, pulling his suit jacket up to Logan's shoulders.

"It's quite alright. Is something on your mind?" The butler sighed, sitting down on the poof next to him while looking at his reflection in his freshly shined shoes.

"Roman. Ever since I was released from the infirmary, he's been looking after me all of the time. This is my first event back as your full-time butler and, now that I'm better, I want to make it up to Roman. I'm just unsure how." The King sighed, looking to the side before back at Virgil.

"Listen, I'm probably the worst person to ask for advice about stuff like this but, from what I know about Roman, is that he loves you dearly. I think anything you do for him he'll love." Virgil nodded, giving a little smile. Then, an idea appeared in Logan's head. He reached over to his side drawer, searching deeply in it. When he found what he was looking for, he took it in his hand.

Wordlessly, he put the small item in Virgil's hand, shutting his fingers over it. "Father always talked about giving this to you once day. I think today of all days is the perfect day for this." Logan told him, Virgil nodding.

Suddenly, the Logan's door opened. Remus and Roman stood in the doorway. "King Logan, your kingdom is waiting for you!" Roman announced. Logan nodded, turning to Virgil who gave him a confident smile. "Are you ready, my king?"

"As ready as I can be!" Logan said, standing up again. Virgil grabbed onto his long cape, holding it to avoid it getting dirty. With the guard brothers in full armor and Logan's new crest on their shields, they lead him down the hall and through the castle.

All around the halls were full of the castle staff, guards, royalty from other kingdoms, and villagers. Logan could see Corbin and Sloane, holding Ezra in their arms. They were in suits while Erza wore a cute dress. They waved at the King, making Logan wave back.

The people cheered for him. They respected him. They loved him. And for once in his life, he felt right in his place of power. He was lead around a turn until he got to the ballroom. Under the crystal blue moon light of the skyline, Queen Anasia stood next to Patton.

Patton looked beautiful. He had a pale blue wedding dress with lace sleeves and a wonderful white bouquet of hyacinths in his hands. He beamed brightly upon seeing his king. Logan smiled right back, standing across from Patton. He handed his flowers to Virgil who stood next to Roman. Remus stood next to Remy on Logan's side.

"We gather here in the kingdom's castle today, to officially crown my son, and marry him to Honor Patton Picani. Who will soon be King Patton Croft!" Anasia declared, the whole kingdom cheering and celebrating wildly. She held up her hands and began to continue. "The crowns upon both of your heads represent an honor, not a right. You two, no matter the royal blood flowing through your veins, symbolize everything this kingdom represents. Kindness! Loyalty! And wisdom!

"You two find each other's strengths and fill in for the other's weakness. In even more ways than that, you two are the truly perfect Kings this kingdom needs! And I know. It would not be true if your spark for each other did not prove it!" Patton looked to Logan, the two giving a quick kiss, sparking their hearts while the kingdom cheered.

"Anyway, let's not keep this couple waiting any longer! Honor Patton Picani! You may not be the princess this kingdom expected to get. However, you've proved more than ever that it does not matter what you are; that the heart you have honors the crown you wear. Do you accept your place on the throne and your place in the heart of my son?" Anasia asked.

"I do with honor, Queen Anasia!" Patton said joyously while the kingdom cheered in the background.

"And, Prince...King Logan. The walls of this castle have watched to grow since you were small. And while I did my very best to teach you all I know and help you exceed the expectations of your bloodline, I cannot do that any longer. If my husband...if the king were here today, he'd be so proud of you. But, it is your turn to carry out what your father could not. Do you accept your place on the throne and your place in the heart of Honor Patton?"

Logan looked around, his own nervous breaths were the only thing he could hear clearly. Corbin had Ezra on his shoulders while Sloane hugged him. Virgil and Roman were holding hands tightly. Remy was comforting Remus, who was half a second closer to crying his eyes out. This was becoming Logan's. The Emperor was a worry of the past, and this was the kingdom of his future.

The King looked back at the picture of his mother and father hanging on the wall. His father's eyes shined at him, creating a warm feeling that gave Logan the confidence to say, "I do with honor, Mother."

"Then it is settled! King Patton, welcome to the royal Croft family and three cheers for the new kings of Moon Shade Hills!" The village erupted in cheers and excitement, clapping and going crazy. Patton pulled Logan in for a deep kiss as the moon aligned in the skyline. The orchestra kicked in, playing a beautiful song that Patton had chose to be their first dance song.

The Kings waltzed out onto the ballroom floor, everyone clearing the way for them to share a dance. They got completely lost in each other's eyes. Patton leaned his head on Logan's shoulder, closing his eyes and listening to his own heartbeat. "I love you, my King." He muttered, cuddling into him.

"I love you too," Logan responded. Roman stood in the background, next to thrones that used to be Logan and Anasia's. Virgil anxiously scooted over to him, the item given to him by Logan was bouncing around in his fingers. Roman hummed to himself, noticing his boyfriend's nervous nature.

"Virgil, you radiate nerves when you're like this. What's the matter?" Roman asked, putting his hands on his shoulders. The butler couldn't avoid it any longer. He took a deep breath, lowering himself down to one knee and holding the small item, opening it to reveal a gold ring with a red ruby on it.

"T-The King...uh, the old king always used to talk about us being together to Logan. Before he died, he had this ring made for you and a matching one for me. Logan told me this years ago, but I was so caught up in my own nerves that I didn't know if you even liked me that much to say-"


"Well, yeah, but...wait, what?" Virgil was caught off guard until Roman lifted him from the ground, pushing a deep kiss onto his lips. The butler melted into it while the knight snatched the box from his shaking hands and looked at it. "So, uh, y-you'll marry me then?"

"With every bone in my body!" Roman gushed, giving him another kiss. "I love you so much!"

"I-I love you too."

The kingdom danced until sunlight, the energy of it all being filled with light, love, and happiness. And that is how the Kingdom of Moon Shade Hills remained.

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